Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

"Yeah you really fucked up man."
Zayns non-reassuring voice laughs.

I groan and rub at my eyes. I've got a really fucking bad hangover but not to mention I screwed up really bad last night. I was drunk as hell and we were playing spin the bottle and I got carried away.

I didn't realize what I was doing. I was so drunk I couldn't focus. But one thing I did focus on was Darcy shoved up against the wall with Louis' lips all over her neck.
I was up and over there in seconds, just the thought of him touching her sending me over the edge and making me sober up a bit.

But what was the worst was when she rejected me. I wanted to explain myself but she wouldn't let me. She will forgive me though. She always does.
I keep telling myself this as I scratch at my bare arm.

"Now, hit it again."
I clench my jaw as I slam my fist into the punching bag, imagining Louis' face there making me punch it harder.
"Nice. Now kick."
I swing my leg up and kick the hell out of it, then punch it multiple times before backing up and flexing to get my breath.

"That's enough for today," Zayn tosses my duffle bag at me and I catch it with one hand.
"Don't forget about the meeting." He sneers before walking out the door. I mock him behind his back before turning around to walk to the locker room.
I accidentally bump into a tint figure, which is Zoe.
"Excuse me." I say and she turns and her smile goes to a scowl.

"Why not?"
"I don't like you."
"You're childish."
"Childish my ass, while you were sucking face with some blonde I was comforting your ex-girlfriend."
Why is everyone rubbing that they were comforting her in my face?

"It was a mistake. I was so shit faced I couldn't focus." I say calmly and she crosses her arms.
"Too bad Darcy isn't homosexual. I wouldn't treat her the way you do."
My nostrils flare in anger but I remain calm with my words.
"I'm making peace with her tonight."
"Oh really?"
I gently push past her and stop in my tracks when she yells
"She's not at her dorm!"
"Where is she then?" I ask cautiously and she smirks.

"She's with Louis."
I clench my fists along with my jaw and my nostrils flare in anger.
"That little-"
"Come on, she needed to get laid after that one hell of a night."
"Shut the fuck up. Wait, sorry I mean Please."
I snarl. I have to say please I can't help it.

Zoe just laughs putting her hands up in the air mockingly.
"I don't even know if he fucked-"
She notices my bitter expression.
"-Slept with her or not. So calm your tits."
I roll my eyes and just stomp out of the gym.
I turn back and see Zoe turning back around and begins violently punching a punching bag.

I sigh and walk on into the locker room and change into my skinny jeans and black hoodie. I tie my hair up into a man bun and stuff my hands in my pockets.

I sling the duffel bag over my shoulder and walk out to my Buick, tossing it in the backseat.
I pull out my phone to look at the time and it reads 3:52. At 4:00 we have the meeting.

I wait outside for a few minutes, Louis should arrive soon. When he doesn't and its 3:59, I feel a surge of jealousy and anger. What's he doing? Is he with Darcy? I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts and storm into the brick building behind me.
I walk into the meeting room where everyone's already seated. I take a seat beside Zoe who's now in a black sweater and black ripped skinny jeans and brown boots.

"Nice of you to going us, Styles." She coughs and I just roll my eyes.
She's really annoying at times.

Zayn soon clears his throat, signaling for us to pay attention. In other words, shut the hell up.
"As you know here at Malik Inc., we have a priority. We have to maintain our standards and keep our business strictly hidden. What we do here is none of anyone else's concern." He says and his gaze lands on me proudly.
"Mr.Styles here helped the situation with one of our unlucky intruders Sophia Smith. Didn't you, Harry?"

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