Chapter 9

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Darcy's POV

Tomorrow. Tomorrow I have to face school after a traumatizing two days.
How the hell did I
Get beaten up by guy,
Find out secrets from my best friend,
Kiss my best friend,
Find out someone's been murdered,
And get nearly raped?

Beats the hell out of me.

I finally convinced Harry that I was fine, so I made him go home. No, literally had to push him out the door. He was carrying on like a worried mother.
He kept saying how I've been through too much to be left alone. He even tried to kiss me again but that guy, Tanner flashed in my mind and I freaked out, causing me him to continue with his embarrassed apologies. I assured him it was fine but really I wasn't fine. Of course I want to kiss him, I've been thinking about it since yesterday. But after what happened to me in the school hallway, I'm not sure I can face even a tiny kiss for a long time.

Sophia still hasn't come home, her stuff hasn't budged in four days. I bite my cheek and grab my bag as I take a deep breath and walk out into the hallway.
I lock my door behind me and turn to the right, going down the hallway and down the stairs to the outdoors as quickly as possible.
To my surprise I see Harry. But, he's different. He has his black pack and all but he's wearing the attire he wears when only around me.

Brown boots, black skinny jeans, and a black hoodie. His long hair is down and I notice a small golden crucifix necklace hanging around his neck.
He notices me staring and a grin replaces his focused frown. He bounds up to me with that grin, and I forcefully return it.
He must notice somehow it was forced because his smile quickly fades.

"Are you okay Darcy?" He asks and I just nod.
"Tired is all. Come on we will be late." I say and begin walking down the sidewalk. He has to jog to catch up with my fast pace.
"Slow down," he laughs and I laugh with him and slow my pace down a bit.
"You'd think you were in a marathon or something."
He gasps and I just nudge him playfully. We finally reach the class buildings with students all laid out on the lawns and sitting on benches. A few heads turn, which causes more and more. I want to snap what's their problem when it finally registers in my brain at what they're staring at.


I glance sideways at him and he doesn't seem to notice the stares. He's staring ahead and he smirks slightly acknowledging me looking at him.
I wiggle my eyebrows and he finally chuckles, his eyes shutting momentarily with the small laugh.
We walk into the school and down the hallway to our first class. The closer we get to the "scene of the crime." The more I start to shake. I feel Harry snake his down my arm and rest his fingers around mine, giving them a reassuring squeeze.

I breathe out in relief once we pass the area and we both walk into the classroom.
As I thought heads turned as they gazed at Harry who they know as Marcel. I expect Harry to pull away from my hand so I begin pulling away my hand but to my upmost surprise he clasps my hand again and pulls me to the back with him.

"Who the fuck is that?"
"Who cares, he's hot though."

"Why was he holding that losers hand? I could give him a better time then that freak ever could."

I block out the rest, knowing they were starting to get nasty about me as well.
Harry must hear that final one because as he sits down, his nostrils flare and he's glaring a sinister state to them. They quickly turn around when they catch on and I don't hear them anymore.
Harry turns back to me and smiles.
"It will take time for them to get used to your new attire." I say and he just chuckles.

I pull away from his hand and ignore his whimper of protest as I pull out my textbooks.

"Sorry I'm late professor." My throat feels like it's closing up when I look up to see Tanner walking in.
He has a nasty gash down his cheek and when he sees me, he smirks but when his eyes land on Harry they quickly widen in fear and he takes a seat in the front.

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