Chapter 10

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Darcy's POV

To be honest, I didn't want to go with Harry anywhere today. I want to be his best friend, and I don't want to fall for him. But I am. I am damn it and it sucks.
I've never felt this way before and it makes me feel strange. I want him to be happy but I see no future of me with him.

He pulls me by the arm to his Buick and opens the door. I hop in and I shriek when he tazes my side.
I crinkle my nose up at him which is my signature move and he just climbs into the drivers side.
I smile at him when he gets in and when he smiles back with his crinkled eyes and dimpled smile I can't help but feel better about this whole situation.

"Where are we going?" I wonder aloud and he just smirks plainly, pulling out of the school parking lot.
"You'll see." He says and I huff with a pout, crossing my arms.

"It'll be fine." He says almost as if he's reassuring himself instead of me.
Fine instead of fun? I don't like the sound of that.
I hate it even more when he pulls down the dark road from a couple days ago.
"H-Harry?" I ask and he doesn't respond.
Is he crazy?
"Harry." I say firmly and he looks at me quickly before putting his gaze back on the road.
"Hm?" He hums.
"Why are we back here?" I try to say sternly but honestly I'm scared as shit.

"Remember what they did to me last time I was here?" I ask and he just nods.
"Of course I do."
He pulls into a parking place, and unbuckles while I stay put.
"Come on," he says reaching to unbuckle my seat but I slam my hand down.
"What?" He asks with confusion mixed with annoyance in his tone.

"I'm not going in there." I whisper and point to the brick building.
He sighs and rests his hand on my thigh.
"I'll be with you the whole time. It'll be fine. Promise."
He smiles with a determined smile.

I sigh and climb out of the car, and meet Harry around to the front of the vehicle.
"Ready?" He asks and I shake my head bluntly.
"I'll be with you the whole time. I would never let anyone hurt you."
He lays a hand down on my hip and pushes me gently into his side. He must feel how rigid I go because he pulls away and looks at me.
"Do you not want me touching you?" He asks but his eyes are full of that 'puppy dog eyes' look.
He almost looks as if he's hurt.

"It's just.. I don't want to interrupt your relationship with that-"
Before I can say anything I have déjà vu of the last time I was here when Harry pushes me against a wall gently. His kind of aggressive is so dainty.
Well not with guys. He can beat the hell out of them.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me Darcy." He murmurs. I know I'm shaking, but I lay my palms on the rough bricks anyone to steady myself.

"You're the only one I want. The only one I've ever wanted." He says softly.

I don't want to say anything to make me sound stupid so I just look down.
"Look at me Darcy." His voice pleads and I feel almost sorry for him.
He tilts my chin up and he's inches from my face.
"Kiss me please." He begs. I'm frozen and can't move.
No no no Darcy no.
But damn he's really fucking hot.

"Harry, please."
"You don't like me that way do you?"
"It's not that I'm just-"
"You're just what? To me you're Darcy. Darcy Parker, the girl who was friendly to me and stood up for me in front of those guys. The one who saw the real me behind the big framed glasses and collared shirts. You Darcy, made me fucking crazy. I didn't feel anything for you at first but the more I hung out with you the more you drove me over the edge. I had fantasies about kissing you. I've never felt that way about anyone. But I'll wait. I promise you that. Now that I've met you Darcy, no girl can fucking compare to you. My standards have been raised so damn high and if you're not the beautiful blonde with the crinkled eyes and happy smile that I fell in love with, and your name isn't Darcy Parker then I'm not interested."

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