Part 12

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When Christine woke up, she felt pressure on her chest. She wondered what it was, her breasts weren't that large, so that wasn't it. Unless she'd miraculously developed into Jayne Mansfield overnight, that'd be a real kick! Then she remembered: John fell asleep on her chest. Well thank god it wasn't a tumor, though it would've been nice to have a figure like Jayne's.
Chris yawned, then awkwardly stretched. John was still asleep (God, he could sleep alot!), and she ran her hands through his hair, then traced his face with her fingers. She wanted to memorize every inch of his face, kiss him and hold him and keep him always. And just to think, a month before they'd only exchanged less than a dozen words to each other. There was a small alarm clock on the bedside table, it read 10:34 PM. Fuck. Now they'd be up all night. Well, there were probably a few things they could do to wear themselves out again.
Christine continued to let John sleep until 11, stroking his face, then she blew on his face to wake him up. It worked. John opened his eyes, blinking a few times. He sat up, stretched.
"Did you have a nice dream?" Chris asked him, straightening her shirt.
"As a matter of fact, I did. It's too bad I can't remember it though." He glanced at the clock, saw the time. "Jesus, it's eleven!"
"I know! Now we won't be able to sleep, and our sleep schedule will be all fucked up." John leaned closer to Chris, placing his hands on the bottom of her shirt.
"Well, I've got some ways we can fix that," He paused as he started to work Chris's shirt off, but she slapped his hands away.
"As much as I'd love you to make love to me, Johnny," she purred. "I'd love it better if you showed me the rest of the house first! All I've seen is the living room, kitchen, and this room. I feel like a prisoner." She jumped off the bed and waited at the door. John got off and led her out.

John showed Christine the bathroom, which had a lovely claw foot bathtub to her delight, as well as a shower. Then there was the guest bedroom upstairs. John's bedroom, of course, was on the first floor. The staircase was carpeted brown to match the living room, and had an iron railing. Then the back porch and patio, which was hotter than hell. Outside, the crickets chirped. Lightning bugs flashed like emeralds, flying like fairies.
The backyard, however, was nice. Despite not being home for weeks at a time, the lawn was neat and had no weeds, John explained this as his neighbor mowed his lawn in exchange for free EPs of Fleetwood Mac's latest album. It benefitted them both: Fleetwood Mac got more exposure and John's neighbor saved money. There was a small garden of vegetables; lettuce, peas, and cabbage. Christine walked around the yard, taking everything in.
She spotted a tiny bushel of periwinkle wildflowers and knelt down to pick some, gathering a small handful and offering them to John. She held them under his nose.
"Sweets for my sweetie." John smiled and, taking them, stuck a few in Chris's hair, then did the same to his. They kissed. Chris gave him a smoldering look that he caught immediately.
"Miss Perfect, may I escort you inside?" "Yes, I'd love that, Mr. Mcvie." Chris offered her hand in an exaggerated way. John took it, kissed it, and they went inside.
They were hardly inside the house when Christine whispered, "Now you can make it up to me for earlier." They stopped in the middle of the kitchen. Chris looked into his beautiful eyes, they were gentle and bright, filled with longing. She kissed John, gently at first. She teased him with it, wanting to see what he'd do: if he'd do anything at all, or leave it up to her. She didn't have to test this for long, though, as John kissed her harder, with intense passion.
He brought his hands up to Chris's face and softly touched her cheeks. They broke away for air, breathing hard.
"I don't want to hurt you, Chrissy," John said, breaking the silence. God, he was so gentle. He was like someone that Christine could do anything she wanted to and he'd never hurt her. Christine smiled and took his hands. She rubbed his hands with hers, then placed them around her waist. She glanced at him softly, so full of passion and love for him.
"You'd never hurt me, John. I know you wouldn't. I'm yours, I trust you completely."
Without warning, John pushed Chris against the refrigerator. He kissed her lips again as intensely as before, then stopped as he moved to her cheeks, then her neck. He kissed her neck like a vampire would, gently sucking and biting her. Christine moaned, god, he was always so gentle before. This aggressiveness was new. She loved it.
Even when he was aggressive, John Mcvie was still a gentle lover. His hands tenderly stroked Chris's body, his lips felt like butterfly wings. He kissed her neck, her chest, kissed her stomach before stopping and looking up at Christine. She was breathing fast, her face flushed. She ran her hands through his hair, stroked his cheeks with her thumbs.
Chris knelt down beside John. Like he did, she kissed his neck, gently biting. She went up until she found his lips, when she did, she kissed him, trying to send all her emotions with her lips. She tore off her shirt, her upper half becoming chilled in the cool kitchen. She tried to undo her bra, but John stopped her.
"I want to take you to bed," he said.
"But we've already slept!" Chris giggled.
"Oh I can assure you that we won't be sleeping." John gave her a devious smile. They practically ran to the bedroom, forgetting Chris's shirt on the kitchen floor.
Christine made sure the door was locked (force of habit), then got into bed where John waited. He placed a dozen light, feathery kisses on her collarbone.
"Now we don't have to worry about making too much noise." Chris moaned.
They kissed and caressed until they couldn't take it anymore. John turned to Christine, his eyes shiny with tears as he settled himself between her legs.
"Jesus, Christine, I love you so much. You're so beautiful. You're so sweet. You're everything I want to be and can dream of." God, he was actually crying. Chris had never been with a man like this before, she didn't know what to say she was so touched. She kissed him softly and wiped his tears as they ran down his face. A few tears ran down her face as well. 
They still had the periwinkle flowers in their hair as they made passionate love the entire night, until the sun rose and they were exhausted. This time, Chris didn't have to throw any pillows in John's face.

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