Part 13

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When John woke up, he was nearly falling off the bed. Chris was stretched out across most of it, hogging the covers and contentedly sleeping. Damn, when did that happen? He and Chris had fell asleep snuggled together, but knowing Chris, she had probably wiggled away during the night. She liked to cuddle, but not for an excessive amount of time. It made her feel trapped, constrained.
Trying not to wake her, John got out of bed as silently as possible, which wasn't very easy since his bed was the loudest fucking bed ever made. It squeaked at the slightest movement, and it wasn't even that old, just bought barely two years ago.
He got dressed, throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, not really caring how he looked at the moment. His back stung with long, puffy scratches. They fucking hurt like hell, but the pain was more than worth it if it came from making love.
There was no food in the house, he was hungry, and no doubt Chris would be hungry too when she woke up. He'd have to go to the grocery store, a chore that wasn't his favorite. Hopefully Chris liked it, because he didn't.
Before John exited the bedroom, he went over to his bedside table. There was a small pad of paper and a pencil, and he picked those up and write Chris a short note for her to wake up to:
My lovely penguin,
As much as I hate to leave you, I have to. We've got no food! I've gone to the market, be back soon. I'll be sure to pick up some tea for you. I'm planning on Earle Grey, but if you prefer something different then tell me when I get back. I love you and I'll be thinking of you every minute I'm gone.
John folded the note, wrote "Christine" on the front, and set it on the table where she'd be sure to see it. He closed the door softly. Thank god the door wasn't as loud as the bed.

The grocery store was busy, which wasn't unusual for a Sunday. There were women there shopping for Sunday dinner, buying chicken and stuffing and wine. Seeing them made John wonder: What should he make for dinner tonight? He'd never really made a proper dinner before, but then again he'd never really had guests before. He could always roast a chicken, that was easy. Just throw a chicken in the oven and turn it on. And maybe serve it with potatoes and asparagus. Yeah, that would work. He went to the meat counter and picked up a whole chicken, then, after getting the asparagus and potatoes, wondered what to get next. They did need tea, John knew that.
John ended up leaving the market with more bags than he could carry. He had bought an assortment of things: bread, milk, orange juice, more eggs, apples, oranges, some mince for mince pie tomorrow, vegetables, and picked up a bottle of Blue Nun and also a bottle of vodka. Getting home was the easy part, getting the bags inside was the challenge. John could either bring all the bags inside in one easy trip, or surrender his pride and make two trips.
In the end, John had to make two trips. His ego never quite recovered.
John put everything away, leaving the vodka out as he'd probably want some later.
"Hello, penguin." John turned from the counter and saw her.
Chris was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, sensually posed in a silk black robe. The neckline of the robe was partially open, exposing the small, strawberry colored bite marks on her neck. Her hair was mussed from sleep, her bangs sticking up and letting the white gauze on her forehead show through.
"Good morning, darling. I went to the store and got food if you want any."
"Oh, good! I'm fucking starving. Please tell me you picked up something filling." She eyed the vodka bottle on the counter suspiciously.
"Are we having vodka for breakfast?" Chris laughed.
"Well, I am. I got you your own bottle." John went into the fridge and pulled out the bottle of Blue Nun, grinning. Chris gave an excited little squeal and covered his face in a dozen joking kisses, acting like she really was having wine for breakfast. She ended up having a cup of tea on the porch, sharing it with John and lazily flashing her exposed neckline. John kissed the bruises he made on her neck, and she did the same to the scratches she made on his back.
"Why'd you call me a penguin in your note this morning?"
"Well, I think penguins are adorable. I also think you're adorable, so you're my penguin."
"Aww, Johnny! That's so sweet!" Chris kissed John.
"Hmm?" Chris murmured. She was nearly asleep again, she was so relaxed.
"Do you love me?"
"More than anything." Chris grabbed John's hand and pressed it against her cheek sweetly. She guided it down lower, down to her neck, then let go and let it explore on its own.
"Would you ever consider marrying me?"
"Is this a proposal?" Chris looked at John seriously. She had his full attention now, as she quickly pulled the neckline of her robe closed.
"Well, no. I'm just curious." She eyed him for a while, trying to see if there was some hidden meaning in his words. When she couldn't find any, she sat back, satisfied.
"I'd love to marry you someday, John Mcvie. Marry you, live in a mansion and have ten children."
"Okay, fine. Nine children."

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