Part 17

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John and Christine married two weeks later. They both agreed to have something small and quick, nothing big and gaudy. Since they'd be touring, they were renting a suite for the two of them, and after each concert, for a week straight they'd have time to themselves, a classic rockstar honeymoon.

The wedding was during the first week of June, in the office of the Justice of the Peace. The wedding itself only had one guest, Peter Green from John's band, and that was only because he was the best man. Everyone else thought that John and Christine were making a huge mistake, even Peter himself; he had called Christine the night before and tried to talk her out of it.
"Christine, look I know we don't know each other well and this isn't my place to say, but..." Peter began.
"You're madly in love with me and want to run away?" Chris joked.
"Yeah, have your bags packed in fifteen minutes," He said dully. "Seriously, Christine, I don't think you should marry John, I mean you barely even know him! If you're pregnant that's one thing but..." Click. Chris slammed the phone down before he could say any more. Now Peter stood next to John, not meeting Chris's eyes.

"Do you, Christine Anne Perfect, take John Graham Mcvie to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." Chris looked beautiful in her simple white lace dress and sandals. Her hair shone like gold and her eyes were bright.
"And do you, John Graham Mcvie, take Christine Anne Perfect to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do." John was nervous, but smiling.
"Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Chris smiled, then leaned forward and wrapped her arms around John's neck. They kissed softly, just a peck. They each signed the marriage license, then Chris folded it neatly and dropped it in her little purse. It was time to go.

John picked up Christine in a bridal style hold, then walked out of the office. Peter and the Justice were left, and Peter was ready to go. He definitely needed a beer or two after this, he just watched his best friend potentially fuck up his life. Peter for sure thought that Chris was pregnant and just hiding it from everyone else, how could she not be? From all the time they spent together it'd be more than likely. Peter exited the building, then walked down the street to the nearest tavern. Hell, he thought. That one's on John, the poor bastard.

The hotel suite was cold, too cold in Chris's opinion. John was still carrying her, and she was amazed he hadn't dropped dead two blocks ago. She was the one getting tired, she couldn't feel her feet. They were asleep, tingling.
"Okay, Johnny, I think it's time to let me down now." With a devilish smile, John dropped Christine on the bed, them sat down next to her on it.

Chris flexed her toes and tried to get some feeling back into them, she kicked off her sandals and stretched. It was only about half past 2 pm, and there was plenty of time for wedding night festivities later. Now, Chris just wanted to relax and regroup. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small box of playing cards. "Let's play poker," she grinned.
"But it's cold in here, and I want to make some heat. I don't even know how to play."
"I'll teach you, you big baby. And for every hand you play right, I'll.... take off one piece of my clothes." Now it was John's turn to grin.
"Well, I can't argue with that bet. Teach me and let's play!"

John wasn't a very good poker player. He got the rules mixed up and only got poor Chris down to her bra and underwear, as her dress counted as one big item of clothing. She sat on the bed, shivering as she dealt the cards. The air conditioning really was too cold, the hotel staff probably did that on purpose to create some good stories for the cleaning ladies. No chance there, as Chris wouldn't even move unless John turned off the lights. They'd especially need the blankets now since it was bone chillingly cold, even for summer.

Chris threw down the cards.
"Fuck this! You can't play at all and I'm freezing my ass off, let's do something else."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Chris nodded and they both said at the same time, "Star Trek!"

Chris grabbed the remote and turned on the small tv, flipping the channels until she found the right one. They watched Star Trek for the rest of the night, nestled under the covers,.humming the theme song and imitating Spock. It wasn't the average wedding night, but hell, it was fun.

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