Part 43

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"Here comes the brideee, all dressed in wideee--" Pearl sang as she spun around her hospital room, draped in toilet paper from the bathroom. The paper was all over the room, the roll lazily spinning and releasing more and more all over the room. It was sloppily wrapped around Pearl's body, and also on her head, unsuccessfully trying for a veil. She looked more like a mummy than a bride. Her parents had just told her about the wedding, and she was absolutely overjoyed. Mummy told her she could be the flower girl, and she'd get to toss flower petals around like a fairy.

The door opened, and in a second Chris had already scanned the room and internally sighed. Did she ever get a break? Apparently not, but her nose sure did. "Pearl Beatrice Mcvie, you naughty devil!--"
"I'm not a devil, I'm a bride, Mummy!" Pearl laughed as she toddled over with her arms outstretched to be picked up. "I'm getting married!"
"What a beautiful bride you are!" Chris smiled as she played along, picking Pearl up and unraveling the toilet paper piled on her head. "The most beautiful bride I've ever seen. But you can't use all the toilet paper again, okay?"
"If you had no toilet paper, how would you clean yourself? If you wanna play wedding I'll give you one of my old dresses."

"Mummy? Does your nose hurt?" Pearl gently touched Chris's nose with her toilet paper covered hand. "Yes." Chris winced as the pain shot through her bandaged nose.
"Can you still smell?"
"Yes, Pearl, I'm fully capable of smelling."
"Good! Cuz now you can still smell my flowers I'm gonna throw!"

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