Part 15: Marry me

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The rest of the month went by fast, mostly with long days at the beach or by the boardwalk. It was so nice to be back in your home country, even for just a month. Everything was so homey, even the wind. It smelled cleaner and was crisper than the air in America, or anywhere else.
One night during their last week in London, Chris went to the grocery store. Or rather, John made Chris go to the grocery store. He claimed they had no milk, when Chris knew they had an almost full jug. Instead of listening to John bitch about whatever it was he had on his mind (it sure wasn't milk!), Chris left for more 2% milk.

Making her way up the driveway with milk in hand, Chris suddenly stopped. The house looked completely dark, the windows nearly invisible without light. Now why the fuck would John turn off all the lights?
Jesus, he's going crazy, Chris thought to herself as she fumbled for the house keys. She was going to break her goddamn arm at this rate.
"Johnny," she called, her eyes rapidly adjusting to the dark. "Here's the milk you so desperately wanted. Why are all the lights--?" Her voice caught in her throat.
"God, you sneaky bastard." Chris whispered as she ran her hand over her face. She set the milk down on the floor next to her feet, forgotten completely.

There were candles all around the living room, everywhere they could fit. Big candles, small candles, fat ones, thin ones of every size and color were arranged in a circle. Their flames lit up the room in an intense, warm, yellow glow; their buttery flames flickered and drew shadows on the walls. There were thick, black curtains pulled tight across the front windows. Huh, no wonder Chris couldn't see. But they didn't stop there. They trailed through the living room and all through the kitchen, all through the porch and patio before finally stopping in the backyard. With the overall combination of the candles and the dancing fireflies, it was luminous. Chris smiled as she looked around. What did she get herself into?

"Christine," John's voice rang behind her. Chris turned to see him standing behind her. He had changed out of his clothes into a pair of dress pants and a button up shirt. He smelled like cologne, and he looked nervous, very nervous.

"God, this is so romantic! You didn't have to do all this if you wanted to have sex outside for once..." Chris laughed. John took her hand and led her to the center of where all the candles were. The heat was warm, the glow ablaze. John knelt down, still holding her hand. God, she's so beautiful, he thought. I love her more than anyone I've ever loved before.
"Christine Anne Perfect, I love you with all my heart. I've loved you ever since the day I met you, and I always will," John stopped as he took a small box from his pocket. He opened it and pulled out a small gold ring. He slipped it onto Chris's left ring finger and smiled. "I want to spend every day of my life with you and try to make you as happy as you make me. Will you marry me?" Chris was crying now, her tears running down her face. She opened her mouth and tried to speak, but nothing came out. As a sign of acceptance, she knelt down until she was on John's level and kissed him passionately, her vision blurry with unushed tears.

John kissed her back, wiping her tears as he did. Chris leaned her head on John's shoulder, feeling his heartbeat next to hers as she whispered in his ear, "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" She laughed, then cried happily. Never in her dreams did she imagine John would want to marry her! They held each other tightly for a long time, not saying anything. The breeze picked up, a warm summer wind. It caused the candles to blow out simultaneously, giving an air of mystery.

"Chrissy, look at how the wind blew the candles out. We should blow out the ones on the porch incase they catch the house on fire."
"Oh, I've got an even better idea than that," Chris winked. The wind still blew, making them rush to the porch to blow out the candles.
After they were out, they strolled slowly through the house blowing out the rest. Each time, Chris closed her eyes and pretended she was blowing out birthday candles. Please let him love me forever, she thought. I never want to be without him.

When the last candle was out and the house was dark, they laid down on the couch, giggling in the darkness. With swift movements they removed their clothes, losing a few buttons in the process.
"I never want you to leave me," Chris said as John trailed his way down her body with kisses.
"I'm never leaving you. You're mine." Chris smiled as she took his hands. She bit his fingers lightly, kissing his palms.
"And you're mine. Forever."

Say you love meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora