Part 14

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"Ooh you make loving fun," Chris hummed to herself as she played her keyboard. She'd come up with the cutest little tune and was trying to find a good rhythm to match it. She sat on the couch, her keyboard balanced awkwardly on her legs. God, it was hard playing like this! Chris could've moved over to the kitchen table, but no, that was too much energy. She really wasn't feeling it.
She started the rhythm over, singing the beginning again.
"Sweet wonderful you,/ You make me so happy with the things you do..."
Chris sang and played, trying to come up with a good track to match the lyrics. But what if the track couldn't match the lyrics?
Hell, maybe she should just give up and scrap it. It wasn't like she was actually going to release it sometime, or even record it for that matter. The song, "You Make Loving Fun", was just something Chris wrote down on a whim after making love with John. No, she didn't expect to share it. It was something that was just your own, like a favorite book or recipe, something so totally yours that sharing it almost felt like a betrayal.
No, Chris would keep this for herself....unless John wanted to hear it once or twice.

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