Part 22

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19 weeks:
Chris's stomach was now the size of a small balloon. It was a cute little bump that was noticible at first glance. As cute as it was though, Chris felt self conscious. As glad as she was, she felt like she was back in high school when none of her clothes fit. Maybe her midnight ice cream raids also had something to do with it...

John, however, loved her baby bump. He was always putting his hand on her stomach, trying to feel for movement, or sometimes just because he liked to. You'd never guess that he'd never wanted kids.

"Johnny, I feel so fat!" Chris wailed one morning. They were laying in bed, being home for a change as everyone got their occasional month vacation. Her stomach puffed above the comforter.
"Chrissy, you're not fat! You look beautiful to me," John reached over to kiss Chris's hand. She snatched it away, becoming irritable.
"Bull fucking shit! If I'm so fucking beautiful why haven't we made love in two weeks then!" Now Chris was scowling. Her bump made it difficult to make love the way they normally did, and even though John suggested it a thousand times she wouldn't try it any other way. It was a lose-lose situation.

Chris rolled her eyes when John didn't respond, then threw back the covers and went into the kitchen. She came back with a glass of water, sipping it as she got back into bed. She angrily glowered and stewed until John couldn't take it anymore.
"Well," he sighed. "What's wrong darling?"
"We can't have sex when I'm like this!" Chris pointed to her swollen middle. "And I want you to love me, I need you. I feel so ugly... I can't even see my feet when I take a bath!" Tears formed in her eyes and she used the sleeve of the comforter to dab them away.

"Oh, baby, don't cry." John pulled Chris into his arms, kissing her tears as they trailed down her face like rain on a windowpane. He stroked her head and kissed her face until the crying wore down, until Chris was just sniffling.

"Chrissy, you're so beautiful. I love you so much it hurts me." John paused as he kissed Chris lightly on her lips. This was all the incentive Chris needed, as she kissed him back as hard as she could, pulling him to her and stroking his back. They kissed like this for several minutes before they pulled apart, panting.

"Oh god, John," Chris gasped. "Make love to me, right now. I don't give a fuck how, just let me know you love me." She reached up and unbuttoned her pajama top, exposing her breasts. They were tender and sore, and Chris couldn't even get her bra on they hurt so bad. Lately, on the off chance she could get her bra on, she'd been putting chilled cabbage leaves in the cups, and crazy as it sounds, it worked.

Chris hesitated taking off her pajama top completely, instead she slipped her arms out and covered her stomach.
"Christine," John said as he took her hands away. "You're lovely. Don't cover yourself up, let me look at you, please." He kissed her neck gently, which always drove her crazy.

"Oh, god, don't stop now." They slid their clothes off, then slipped between the sheets of the bed. Chris reached to turn off the light.
"Don't turn off the light." John reached to turn it back on.
"You really wanna look at me while we're doing this? I'm as big as a house!"
"Oh come on Chris, you're hardly an apartment."
"Just fuck me already!" Chris straddled John's lap, pulling the covers around them.

She guided his penetration and chose the tempo, going for soft, rhythmic love making, the kind they both preferred. John's hands were touching her, softly where he knew she liked. His eyes were soft, encouraging her, letting her know this wasn't for his pleasure but for Chris's alone. He was putty in her hands.
"I love you," Chris mouthed as she grabbed John's hands in hers. The euphoria she felt was like nothing other, and the best part was she was with the man she loved, the father of her soon-to-be child.

They made love for the rest of the morning, soft and slow as Chris couldn't exert herself much farther, and kissed and cuddled after.
"I love love love you so much," Chris whispered.
"That's two more loves than usual."
"Well, I do. You're so sweet to me and the penguin." Chris pointed to her stomach. Penguin was their pet name for the baby, it was John's favorite animal and, most importantly, it was unisex. Chris insisted she didn't want to know the sex of the baby until it was born for whatever reason. That was a challenge, as it made decorating all the more harder.

"Chrissy, I've been wondering something."
"Well, what is olive oil made of?"
"Olives of course!" Chris laughed, not understanding the meaning of the question.
"And what about vegetable oil?"
"So what is baby oil made of then?" They both laughed, relishing their togetherness and their love for each other, not even considering the harsh possibilities.

21 weeks:
"Christine, you've got to tell your mother we've got enough baby stuff!" John hollered down the hall as he carried in the mail. Beatrice had been sending packages and packages of baby stuff, knitted booties and sweaters, both pink and blue. It was getting extreme to say the least, John and Christine now had enough clothes for a baby army.
"Oh wow, I wonder what she sent this time!" Chris rolled her eyes sarcastically as she eyed the package on the table. She grabbed a knife and opened the box, grabbing the stuffing out and finding the gifts buried underneath.

"...okay, we've got a.... oh, how cute! A little pair of mittens!" Chris exclaimed as she pulled out a tiny pair of mittens, this time pink. They were doll-sized and connected together by a thick string so the baby could wear them around its neck.

"How many kids does your mother think we're having?" John said while he sorted through the rest of the mail. Bills, bills, bills. That's all they ever got except a letter or two from Chris's parents and brother, and the annual holiday card from the guys in the bands. "Well I promised her at least ten or more, so we should get on that." Chris smiled.
"Let's just try and survive the first one and then we can start working on the second?"
"Well what if our first one is two? What if it's twins?" Chris patted her hands on her belly and wagged her eyebrows.
"Then I guess we're gonna need all the baby clothes!"
This was a moment Chris would remember when everything stopped.

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