Chapter 1 - The Morning Of

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(Eren's POV)

*beep beep beep beep* 6:00 A.M. Friday


I glare over at my alarm clock that rudely woke me up and slam my hand down on it to turn it off. "5 more minutes" I mumble. Just when I'm drifting back into my dream world...

"Eren! Get up now or we are going to be late!"

"Okay! I'm up! Geez, It's not the end of the world!"

"It will be for you if you don't get your ass down here soon! Breakfast is getting cold!"

"Uh huh, whatever mom!" I say as I slowly climb my way out of my paradise. Why does Mikasa think she has to act like my mom all the time!? I am basically an adult! I'm 18 for crying out loud! Oh well, at least I'm on my last year of high school and then I can do whatever I want. Like sleep.

Wait a minute! Did she say breakfast?! I start rushing around my room trying to get everything I need in my bag and rush downstairs.

I live in a small house with my adopted sister, Mikasa, a.k.a. mom because she always acts like she is. We used to live with my parents but one day they both disappeared from our lives and left us alone. It was a couple years ago and no one knows what happened or where they are if they are even still alive. Connie once tried to tell me my parents were attacked by vampires but obviously vampires aren't real so that couldn't have happened. Connie tries to say all kinds of supernatural things are real but we have all learned to just ignore it and pretend we are listening.

But anyways, now it's just me and Mikasa in this house. We get by pretty well thanks to my dad for being a pretty famous doctor and making a lot of money before he and mom disappeared 2 years back. Plus Mikasa has her job also. She works at the coffee shop down the road from our house so she can walk there and back home. She keeps nagging at me and telling me I need to get a job too, but I just can't seem to find one that suits me right now. Due to my slight anger issues, people don't always want to hire me; though, I'm sure I'll find one sometime.

As I reach the bottom of our stairs I can already smell the sweet aroma of delicious pancakes. "Food!" I yell as I ran into the kitchen.

"Finally you're here. It took you long enough." Mikasa says as she starts to turn around to face me, handing me a plate of pancakes. "They were starting to get co... Is that what you're wearing to school?" She asks, cocking an eyebrow and gesturing to my apparel choices.

"Yah. Why? What's wrong with it?"

"Did I miss something? Today isn't pajama day, is it?

"No. Of course not! Since when does high school have a pajama day?! What are you talking abou..." I say, looking at what I'm wearing. "Oh shit!" I forgot to get dressed! As I run back upstairs, abandoning my half eaten breakfast, to get dressed I can hear Mikasa laughing at my stupidity from the kitchen. I'll get her back for laughing at me later.

*Time skip - 7:45 A.M.*

"Eren, are you ready? Armin should be here any minute now to pick us up."

"Yeah. I'm ready. Don't worry." I quickly put my shoes on and stand up next to Mikasa, waiting at the doorway.

Since Mikasa and I live alone, we don't really have the money to afford a car, so Armin, being the amazing best friend he is, drives us places to help us out. Armin is the same age as both Mikasa and I, 18, so we are all seniors this year in high school. He got his car as a 16th year birthday gift from his grandparents. His parents died in a car crash when he was just a baby, he was the only survivor, so his grandparents decided to take him in.

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