Chapter 21 - A New Confrontation

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I am so sorry that this hasn't been updated in so long! I have been having a lot of trouble finding inspiration to write. I'm hoping things will get easier once summer starts in a few weeks. I hope you all still like this story even though it's been so long. Thank you to everyone who is still keeping up with this story, and dealing with the crap I put you through haha  

Chapter 21 - A New Confrontation

(Eren's POV)

"Eren, wake up." A soft voice called to me, but I don't want to get up yet. It's the weekend, so why can't I sleep in? "If you don't wake up by the time I count to ten, I am pushing you off the bed." The voice came again.

"Please, can't I sleep in today? It's my first day back at my house since all of this happened, and I just want one day to sleep in." I begged, and turned to face Levi.

"You already slept in. It's nearly noon." He scolded and threw the blankets off of me. I groaned before pushing myself up into a sitting position on the bed. "We don't even have anything planned for today. Why would I need to get up?"

"Actually, while you were asleep your friends and I came up with a plan for today. We're going to meet your werewolf friends. It would be better than them finding out when you go back to school Monday."

"What?! What if they react badly?" I questioned, suddenly more awake than before.

"Well we're going to find out. Don't worry though; I won't let any of them hurt you." Levi said sternly. I doubt my friends would actually hurt me but there was no guarantee.

"You better not start any fights." I warned. "And besides, I can fight on my own. I don't need your help." He rolls his eyes at my second comment but ignores it.

"If they start it then I'm not promising anything." I sighed.

"So, anyways, where are we going to be meeting them?" I asked; changing the subject.

"Hm, I think your friend Armin said something about your favorite hang out spot. Not that that would make much sense to me." He must have meant the park just outside of town. It was a pretty quiet place, and a good place to hang out if you wanted to be loud and not catch a lot of attention. I guess it would make sense to go there. If fighting started no one would be freaking out. Or at least, not much. Though I doubt any real fighting will happen. They're my friends still.

"Sounds like a good plan." I nodded. Leave it to Armin to come up with the best plan. "When are we going?"

"In an hour."

"What? I only have an hour to get ready? I still need to take a shower! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"

"Because I knew waking you up would be a pain in the ass, so I let you sleep as long as I could."

"But now I have to rush!" I complained.

"Then stop complaining about it and start getting ready." Levi sternly told me. I gave him a over dramatic frown and groan before going off to the bathroom to take a shower.

~ Time Skip ~

"You took long enough." Levi teased as I finally jumped in the car to leave.

"Shut up." I grumbled lightheartedly.

"Are you nervous?" Armin asked me. "Because I am. I mean how do you think everyone else is going to react?" Armin was physically freaking out, and that was making me nervous.

"Armin you need to calm down." I told him. Mikasa had decided it would be best for her to not come with us. Every part of this was new to her, and she didn't think she would be able to handle the meeting at the park. That means Levi and Armin are the only two I can rely on, and I can't have either of them freaking out right now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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