Chapter 10 - The More You Know (Part 1)

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*This song^ I just love it so much haha It's wonderful. :3*

(Levi's POV)

We get down stairs to the kitchen and I grab two bags of blood from the fridge, one for me and one for Eren. I get some cups from the cupboard and pour each bag into a cup. I turn around and hand a cup to Eren.

"Thanks." he says. I just nod in reply, turning around to head back upstairs and to the attic with my cup in my own hand. "So where do you guys get this blood anyways?" he asks as we walk up the stairs.

"They have special blood banks all over the world where humans go and donate blood. Some know what they are donating to and others don't."

"Oh cool." he says, slightly in awe. "So does that mean that I could have donated blood to vampires before!? Since I have donated before. That would be so cool!"

"I guess it's possible."

The stairs to the attic are on the opposite side of the floor that the bedrooms are all on. We get to the stairs and head up them and walk into our 'library'.

"Woah" Eren breathes quietly. I chuckle lightly at his response. He's like a little kid who just walked into a candy store for the first time. The 'library' isn't very extraordinary, it's really just five or six tall book shelves and a couple chairs at a small table in a corner. There are a few windows in the room to let in light. I walk over to a shelf to get the book I'm looking for. It's on one of the higher shelves so I have to stand on the tips of my toes to reach it. I can hear Eren snicker behind me.

"Did you want some help there Levi?" he asks, trying to hide his laughter. I glare at him before grabbing the book.

"Shut up, brat" I grumble, walking over to the table and chairs and taking a seat, sitting the book and my cup down on the table. Eren follows, still chuckling slightly, and takes a seat in the other chair, sitting his cup on the table also.

"So what's that for?" Eren asks, gesturing to the book I had set on the table.

"It's a book on vampires. It should have everything you need to know with better explanations than what I would come up with." I answer, taking a sip from my cup.

"Oh sweet!" he says, swiping the book away from me and starts flipping through it. He is very childish but it's kind of cute.

(Eren's POV) *Italics mean it's being read from the book*

The book looked quite boring on the outside, it was just a dark green, faded cover with faint wording on the cover to say the title. There was no author though; that's strange but ehh whatever. I shrug slightly. I flip open the book to the table of contents first. It seems that the book is also handwritten.

Vampires - Table of Contents

History of Vampires and Their Origins

Physical Description and Facts


Lifespan and Flaws of Vampires

I decided to skip over the history for now and go straight to the part about physical description and facts.

Section 2 - Physical Description and Facts

I skim through the pages, looking for things that catch my eye.

Vampires have fangs that can retract; although, they have slightly larger than normal canines. The reason their fangs are like this is so that they can blend in in the human world easier.

The Vampire and the Brat (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now