Chapter 12 - Dinner?

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(Levi's POV)

I shove past Hanji and leave the room, also leaving Eren to fend for himself against the crazy four-eyes' questioning. I can't believe her, thinking she can just make assumptions like that; that I "like" Eren like that. He is just a friend and nothing more. So why was I glad that he told me he was gay too and why did my heart flutter when we fell together? I shake my head to clear my thoughts and start heading down the stairs and into the kitchen. I'm not exactly sure what I expected when I got in the kitchen but it definitely wasn't this. That damn Shitty Glasses had removed all the food from the kitchen. I checked every cupboard, searching to see if anything was left.

I got to the last cupboard and opened, expecting nothing but instead found all the ingredients needed to make ravioli. There was a note attached to it.

Hey Ravioli,

I was thinking you should make something new tonight. You're welcome! ;)

"That bitch." I crumple up the paper and sigh loudly, deciding to go with her stupid plan tonight instead of trying to find where she hid all the food; it would just make everything harder and I was not in the mood right now.

I finish making the stupid ravioli and get the table set; putting food on all the plates and putting them on the table. Once everything is perfectly set up, I walk out and yell for everyone upstairs, "Oi food's done, get your asses down here!" I don't bother yelling more than once because I know they all heard me.

The first ones down are Farlan and Erwin, leaving the other three bickering over something at the top of the stairs.

"Come on Eren! It will be fun!" Hanji pleads.

"Yah! Just do it!" Isabel adds in.

"I don't know guys, are you sure it's safe?" Eren asks hesitantly.

"Of course it's safe! I do it all the time!" Hanji yells, waving her hands excitedly. "All you gotta do is sit on the railing, hold on, and let gravity do its thing!" She shoves Eren towards the railing of the stairs.

"I'm still not very sure about- Wait! Don't push me! Hanji!" Hanji shoves Eren so that he is sitting on the railing and sliding down fast. Her and Isabel following the same way, laughing loudly as they go.

They all slide their way down, but because Eren doesn't know how to stop, he ends up flying off and landing, bottom first, on the floor.


"See! Wasn't that fun?!" Hanji asks, skipping over to Eren after she got off the railing, offering her hand to help him up.

"No! It was painful!" He pouts, taking her hand and getting pulled up, rubbing his hurt tush with his other hand.

"Well that's because you didn't stop in time." Isabel adds in in a sing-song voice, giggling and skipping over to them.

"You never told me how to stop! You just shoved me down!" He glares accusingly at Hanji.

"Oops, my bad." She shrugs and laughs.

To be perfectly honest, it was actually quite amusing to watch them all, especially Eren, who was actually quite cute when he was mad, though you could tell he wasn't as angry as he was trying to seem with them.

Once everyone had calmed down we got seated. The table was round so I ended up sitting between Eren and Farlan. With Isabel next to Farlan, Hanji next to Isabel, Erwin next to Hanji, and Eren next to Erwin.

"Ravioli, you made ravioli! That's so nice of you to go with my suggestion!" Hanji exclaims loudly, breaking the silence that was starting to settle.

"Tch it's not like I had much of a choice in it." I glare at her from across the table. She just laughs and starts shoving food in her mouth, being a pig as usual. Gross.

After the shitty glasses' outburst everyone started eating, making small talk every once in awhile. I didn't really say much in any of the matters, though after a while, something started to bother me. One thing that really bothered me, almost as much as the four-eyes across the table, was people chewing with their mouth open, and I just happened to be sitting next to one right now. It was really only a matter of time before I snapped at him about it.

"Oi Eren, chew with your mouth closed. It's annoying and gross." He looks over at me and replies.

"Oh sorry, it's a bad habit." He says with a mouth full of food, which was really just as bad.

"Really? Can't you swallow before talking?" This time he swallows before replying.

"Oopsies?" He asks, shrugging as if in questioning what he did wrong.

"Tch whatever. Just work on fixing your 'bad habit' before I make you sit on the floor to eat inste-"


"What the Fuck was that?!" I yell, standing up quickly in reflex from just getting ravioli thrown at my face. There was muffled laughter around the table while Eren just looked very shocked at what had just happened. Of course I knew the only one who would do that and I glare over at her from across the table. "Really?" I ask.

"Oopsies?" Hanji shrugs and feigns an innocent face, trying to hide her smirk.

"You bitch." Two can play at this game.

(Eren's POV)

When Levi got hit with ravioli, attacking back was the last thing I expected him to do but I guess I was wrong because that's exactly what he did. Well sort of did.

Levi grabbed a piece of ravioli from his plate and aimed it at Hanji, throwing it at her. A look of fear on her face before it changes to one of a grin. At the last minute, she yanks Erwin in front of her, using him as a shield and letting him get hit instead. She cackles loudly at her achievement.

I stare over at Levi, shocked that he actually counter attacked, instead of paying attention to what was going on around me and the next thing I know, I'm the one being hit by ravioli. "Ah!" My head snaps over to look for the culprit behind my demise; of course it was Hanji. I hear a snort beside me. I smirk at Levi before casually grabbing a piece of ravioli and plopping it right on his head. He glares over at me before smearing sauce on my face. I laugh and he smirks as Hanji cackles at us from across the table and continues the fight. Soon everyone is laughing and throwing ravioli at each other; even Levi was smiling slightly, which made it even better.

When we had finally ran out of ravioli to throw at each other it was already going on 8 at night and it was dark outside. We had lost track of time and everyone was a mess, ravioli all over our faces and clothes, but no one really seemed to mind all that much.

"Tch you all are filthy." We all look over at Levi, who is really just as bad as us in terms of cleanliness, standing with his hands on his hips and frowning at the mess around him. Sauce was splattered all over the place; the counters, the floor, the cupboards, heck it was even on the ceiling. I'm still not sure how that happened.

Levi walks over to the door that leads to the pantry and grabs a bunch of cleaning supplies, carrying them back over and plopping them on the table. "Well don't just stand there. Get cleaning."

*Hey guys, I just really wanted to thank you for sticking with me so far in this story; and I hope you continue to throughout the rest of it. I'm having so much fun writing it and I love seeing you guys like it too. ^.^ I have a small question to ask you also. Do you think my writing has improved since I started writing this? I like to think it has but I would like to know what you think. Also, if you guys ever have any suggestions on how I can improve at all, I would love to hear them! One other thing I would like to add to this already super long AN is that I'm sorry if this story is going kind of slow. Haha I tend to drag things on (it might be a bad habit lol), but no worries, things shall be progressing soon! X3 *

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