Chapter 3 - Where am I?

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*The song is completely irrelevant to this chapter but I really like it and it makes me think of Eren and Levi, so I added it in. :3*

(Eren's POV)

"Ugh. What the..." I woke up in the middle of a forest in the middle of the night. "What happened?" Last thing I remember, I was following that stranger in the alley. Maybe they have something to do with why I'm in the middle of a random forest and in pain. Most likely they do.

I can't even tell how long I've been out. For all I know I could have been knocked out for days. I have a splitting headache and my whole body aches. It really sucks that I can't remember anything. It would be kind of helpful at the moment on finding my way back home. I don't even live near the woods! Well I guess I might as well wonder and hope for the best. I can't exactly do much else.

I guess the forest is kind of nice. It's pretty calm and that's cool. I wonder if anyone has noticed I'm gone? Mikasa is most likely freaking out by now. I wonder how long I have been gone? Are forests always this quiet? Why did that stranger drop me in a forest and what exactly did he do to me that is making me feel all weird now? Ugh to many questions and not enough answers. I wonder if I can find someplace to rest for the night. It will probably be easier to find the way home when the sun is out.

As I make my way through the forest, I notice a large cave. Perfect! I can rest there for the night! I start to walk towards the cave when I hear something behind me.

"Oi brat. Where do you think you're going?"

I freeze in place and slowly turn around. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't think there was anyone else around here. I was just going to rest in that cave for the night and then be on my way. ahaha" I laugh nervously. It's a bad habit when I'm in awkward situations.

The man has short black hair and he has a short appearance. Looks around 5 ft. He is wearing a plain white button up long sleeve shirt, gray pants, and boots. He looks like he is in his 20s. He also has a face that looks like he couldn't give two shits about anything in the world.

"Well you can just leave. I don't want any brats making that cave any dirtier than it already is."

"First off, I'm not a brat and second, I'm not that dirty. Besides, it's a cave not a five star hotel. I would only be there for the night and then I would leave in the morning. Plain and simple." So does this guy live in a cave or is he just camping out here?

"If I say you're a brat, then that means you are a brat. Now what exactly are you doing here?" The man was now standing a few feet infront of me.

"Well, like I said, I'm just looking for a place to stay the night until tomorrow morning. I'm kind of lost and figured it would be easier to get home during the day."

"Why are you even out here in the middle of the night?"

"Well, I'm not exactly sure. I was in town one minute then the next thing I know, I'm waking up in the middle of nowhere." Why is this guy asking so many questions?

His eyes lock with mine and I feel like he is looking into my soul. He has grey eyes that I have to admit are pretty attractive, but that doesn't matter at the moment. Focus Eren!

"What exactly do you remember before you blacked out?" He asks me.

(Levi's POV)

"What exactly do you remember before you blacked out?" I ask the brat. He looks like he is trying to remember everything that happened. His story sounds oddly familiar to something I have heard before and I want to see if what I think has happened to him is true.

As the brat tries to remember something, I look him over. He is taller than me, by about a foot. He has short brown hair and sea green eyes. I automatically like the color of his eyes, it's a color you don't normally see. He is wearing skinny jeans with holes all over them. It looks like he fell at one point because there is dried blood on the pants near his knee. He is also wearing a black T-shirt with a leather jacket. He doesn't seem to have any noticeable injuries either, besides the dried blood, but the scrape has already healed completely. That also adds to my theory, it would also mean that any bite marks would have healed by now too, if there were any to begin with.

"Well I was waiting for my sister when some guy came up behind me. He ran away so I tried to chase after him and ask him what he was doing. I ended up tripping and scraped my knee a bit as I was running, but when I got back up the guy was gone. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in the middle of a forest and in pain." Well that definitely adds to my theory. "Oh by the way, my name's Eren." He says while offering me his hand to shake.

"Levi" I say, not taking the hand. I'm pretty sure I'm right but I won't know for sure until I have Shitty Glasses look at him, so I ask him the first thing that comes to my mind. "Eren, are you hungry?" He just stares at me like I have three eyes so I add on to what I was saying "I mean, I guess you could stay for the night as long as you don't make any messes. If you do, you're dead." The brat looks slightly scared by my threat. Good.

"Awesome! Thank you so much! I promise I won't make any messes and actually yeah I am hungry. You have food?!" He seemed to shake off the threat I made pretty quickly.

"Of course I have food! I have to eat too, dumbass!"

"Right. Well lead the way!" The brat got a lot of energy at the promise of food. He's probably a pig.

(Eren's POV)

Levi started walking towards the entrance to the cave and I followed him in. That was easier than I thought it would be to get him to let me stay here. Score.

The inside of the cave was nothing special. It looked like the inside of a cave would normally look. There were a few tunnels that went off in different directions. Levi walked into the tunnel straight ahead of us and followed it down till it opened into another room like place. There was another guy trying to start a fire in the middle of the cave floor. He didn't really seem like he knew what he was doing. He must have heard us come in because he started speaking before he turned around.

"Ah good. You're back Levi. You were taking a while so I was starting to get worried. Did you get the twigs I asked you to get?" Huh I never even noticed he had those.

The man turned around to face us. "Ah who's this?" he asks, gesturing to me.

"Farlan, this is Eren. He is going to be staying here with us for tonight."

The Vampire and the Brat (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now