Chapter 9 - Home Sweet Home

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*I just love the piano version to Reluctant Heroes so much! It's just so beautiful! X3 Also sorry for such the long wait (in my opinion at least haha) I have been really busy lately but I have been trying to write at least once a day, even if it's only a little, so that I can get chapters out faster. Thank you all for sticking with me so far! I really do love you guys! Haha :3*

(Eren's POV)

When Erwin said it was a short walk, he wasn't kidding. The walk only took about 20 minutes to make and soon we were at their house. I'm not really sure what I was expecting their house to look like but it probably wasn't close to what the house actually looks like.

The house looks sort of like a cabin but larger. I could describe it as looking like something close to a mansion but it's not big enough to be considered one; though in my opinion it would be. It's a large two story house with an attic and probably a basement. The house has slightly large windows. There is a balcony on the second floor that seems to go all the way around the house. From what I can see, there seems to be a back yard too.

When we walk inside it's even better than I imagined. When you walk in, you walk into a large room where there is a living room on the left side. The living room consists of 3 couches, a coffee table, and a flat screen t.v. In the middle of the room there is a spiral staircase. I always wanted a spiral staircase, they are so cool. On the right side of the room is the kitchen. The kitchen has all the normal things you would see in a kitchen; fridge, oven, sink, etc; there is also a large island in the middle of the room with stools sitting around it. There are also a couple doors in the kitchen which I assume lead to a bathroom and a pantry; respectfully. Above us, where the second floor is, is an indoor balcony that surrounds the staircase. There seems to be a lot of rooms on the second floor. Behind the staircase on the first floor is a patio door that leads to a pool outside.

"Woah! You guys have a spiral staircase and a pool!! This is so awesome!" I yell, turning around excitedly to look at them behind me.

"Haha yah Hanji and Isabel would not take no for an answer with the pool so we had to get one. I got to admit it is pretty nice to have here where it doesn't get cold in the winter. Farlan is the one who wanted the staircase though." Erwin says, laughing slightly.

"The bedrooms are upstairs, Eren. You can have the spare one for now." Hanji says, giggling slightly.

"For now?" I ask, confused. She just ignores me and runs up the stairs laughing, tripping up them in her excitement.

"Just ignore her. She never makes sense." Levi says from behind me, making me jump slightly.


"C'mon. I'll show you where your room is." He says, starting to walk up the stairs. I follow after him while everyone else follows me up. At the top is basically a long hallway with a few rooms on either side. Erwin walks into the first room on the right, following Hanji; while Isabel and Farlan head to their room that is also on the right side but is a door down from Erwin and Hanji's. The room in between must be a closet or something. The left side is built the same way.

"My room is the one at the end, acrossed from Farlan and Isabel's." Levi says, pointing down the hallway towards his room. "Yours is right here." he adds pointing at the door in front of us acrossed from Hanji and Erwin's and then opening the door. "All the bedrooms have their own bathrooms so that's over there." he points over at a door on the left side of the room. "The closet is on the other side. Since you don't have any clothes Hanji went out and bought you some. Don't ask me when or how because I have no clue. I am going to leave you alone now so you can get settled but just a reminder; never take that key off. It won't get ruined by anything so don't worry about that. Keep it on you at all times because you never know what could happen. Got it?"

"Yep. I got it." I say, nodding. Levi nods back before adding,

"If you get hungry there is food in the kitchen. You live here for now so don't feel like you have to ask to eat and don't forget to have your blood. There is always some in the fridge. I will come and remind you but it would also be nice if you remember on your own. We don't want you going into a blood lust. Also, I want you to take a shower and change your clothes; you're filthy." Levi wrinkles his nose in disgust before walking out and closing the door behind him, leaving me alone in my room. Besides the closet and bathroom, there is also a dresser and a king size bed in the room.There is also a large patio door in the middle of the room that leads out to part of the balcony. There are large green curtains that can cover the door's windows. They are partly open right now to let in the light. I walk over and close them so that the room is slightly darker. I never really liked bright rooms.

I decide to go and take a shower like Levi said too. The bathroom is slightly large, it has both a tub and a shower, the sink has large countertop. Under the sink is a cabinet with some towels in it. I grab one and get ready to take a shower.

It takes me a few minutes to figure out the shower and how to turn it on because I refuse to ask Levi for help and look like a fool. Why are showers always so complicated!?

Once I figure it out and turn it on, I let the water warm up while I get undressed and then I get in.

(Levi's POV)

After I had showed Eren where his room was I went to my own. I wanted to take a nap because I missed my own bed and because I was fucking tired. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night. I was too busy worrying about things I can't do anything about. When I woke up it was already 11:30 in the afternoon. I figure that stupid brat forgot to have his blood so I decide to go remind him. I walk down the hall to Eren's room, I don't knock on the door due to habit with everyone else except for Hanji. I never walk in on her without knocking; never again. I shudder at the memory before walking in.

"Oi brat, I came in here to remind yo-"

"AH! levi!" Eren screams in surprise. He is standing in the middle of his room with only a towel around his waist.

"Holy fuck! Jesus! Shit, I'm sorry!" I say turning around quickly and leaving, slamming the door behind me. I lean against the wall near his door. I shouldn't have panicked; it's not like any junk was showing but I did anyways. I can feel my face slightly burning with a hint of a blush. Ugh, why does this brat make me get like this?!

Suddenly the door to Eren's room opens again, this time with a fully clothed Eren with a very bright red face. "Sorry. I just got out of the shower and I wasn't expecting anyone to barge in without knocking first." He says, adding a bit of sass to his voice. He glares at me slightly.

"Sorry. I didn't really think about it, I'll try to remember to knock next time." I say; though, I'm not very sorry. The view wasn't quite bad to be perfectly honest. I would never tell him that though.

"Good." He doesn't really look like he believes my apology but ehh whatever. "You wanted to remind me about something?" he adds a few seconds after.

"Right. I wanted to remind you to go have some blood. It's noon already. Also, I thought since we are home now I could tell you a bit about vampires and what we are. You know? So you're not completely brain dead about vampires."

"Hey! I know stuff about vampires!"

"Really? Like what?"

"Like... the stuff you... told me about..." He whispers, trailing off. He hangs his head down to look at his feet.

"Yah that's what I thought. Well lets go then." I start walking away, not looking to make sure he is following me. I can hear him run to catch up quick before speaking.

"Wait, where are we going?" Hasn't he been listening to me at all? I roll my eyes before answering.

"The kitchen to get you your blood then we are going to go to library. Though, I guess it's not really a library, it's more of just a small room with a bunch of books in our house. It's in the attic."

"Oh. Okay." he says following me to the kitchen.

The Vampire and the Brat (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now