Chapter 20 - Confrontation

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Chapter 20 - Confrontation

(Eren's POV)

"This is Levi," I sighed. "Levi, this is Mikasa and Armin."

"So this is the friend you were staying with? The one that you were too busy helping to call your sister or come home?" Mikasa asked right away. Though Armin and Levi didn't seem very interested in the conversation, and were in fact staring at each other; Levi having a look of confusion and interest. That's a little weird.

"Oh? Interesting." Levi spoke under his breath, seeming to be talking to himself. I didn't know what he was talking about and decided to focus on the problem at hand. Mikasa.

"Yeah, kind of. I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner, and that I was gone for so long." I started pleading for her forgiveness. It's all I could do right now, but the looks between Levi and Armin; in fact Armin was giving me a few weird looks as well, which were kind of getting my attention. I was about to ask if there was some secret I didn't know about when Armin finally broke his silence.

"It's great that you are back, Eren." His voice was filled with forced happiness.

"Okay, what's going on?" I asked looking between Levi and Armin. Mikasa just now stopped focusing on me and started noticing the uneasiness in the air.

"Maybe we should sit down?" Armin offered. No one replied, but we all made our way quietly to the couches in the middle part of the room. Once we were all situated, Levi and I on one couch and Mikasa and Armin on the other, Mikasa broke the silence for me.

"What's going on with you, Armin?" Mikasa asked him. I looked to Levi with the same question in mind.

"I don't know how to explain it to you Mikasa, but it shouldn't be very hard to explain to Eren." He looked to me with a strange look on his face. Mikasa was about to say something when Levi cut her off.

"Your friend's a mutt." He looked to me as he said it. What does that mean? It can't mean what I think it does, can it?

"Could you at least try to be nice?" Armin asked, seeming to get annoyed. Which was odd saying it was hard to get him angry.

"What do you mean?" I asked Levi, and Armin spoke up first.

"Well I'm assuming you are aware of vampires, so it shouldn't be too hard for you to believe in werewolves too. I happen to be one of them." He explained. What? Hanji had mentioned once that she had no clue if werewolves existed or not. I guess that explains the smell though. I had sort of noticed something but decided not to say anything, of course I didn't expect it to be a werewolf, but still.

"Armin what are you talking about?" Mikasa looked between us trying to find out when this joke was going to end. To bad it isn't a joke. All this time I was friends with Armin, and I never knew this about him. Didn't he trust Mikasa and I enough to tell us something like that? I was willing to find a way to tell my friends about my little vampirism problem, but all this time Armin had never tried to tell either of us about his lycanthropy.

"I can't believe you, Armin!" I stood up suddenly and clenched my fists at my sides, making Armin flinch slightly in his seat in front of me. "Why didn't you tell us? I thought we were close?" I questioned him.

"We are close," He started.

"Were you ever going to tell us?" I interrupted. There was silence as Armin looked at his feet.

"I didn't want to freak you out." He whispered. "But I guess if you're hanging out with vampires now then it's not a big deal!" Armin snapped at me. I had made him upset. He had made it sound like it was bad to be hanging around vampires.

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