Chapter 14 - Truth or Dare (Part 1)

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*I just feel like everyone should see this video because it is amazing to me.*

(Levi's POV)

Somehow the crazy four eyes had managed to drag Eren into playing their game also and we were all now sitting in a large circle in the living room on the floor, where they had been sitting playing video games before. I ended up being between Eren and Erwin, Hanji next to Erwin, Isabel next to Hanji, and Farlan in between Isabel and Eren. No one said anything, everyone just sat there. Hanji grinning over at Eren and I creepily.

"Alright shit glasses, what's going on here?" I demanded. That staring is getting weird, even for her.

"We are playing truth or dare!" She announces, bouncing excitedly in her seat. "I found this really awesome app on my phone that basically does everything for you! I really want to try it out!"

"Oh really?! That sounds fun!" Eren says excitedly. "You'll play, won't you Levi?" Eren asks, looking over to me, pouting slightly as if he knew that it would work in his favor.

"Ugh fine. I'll play." I reluctantly agree.

"Yay!" Hanji and Eren yell at the same time. Laughing when they realize they said the same thing. Hanji takes out her phone and sets up the game.

"Okay so all you do is shake the phone and it chooses a person for you, then that person chooses truth or dare and it will give you one." she explains. "So first up is..." she shakes the phone, waiting for the name to pop up. "Erwin! Truth or dare?"

"Hmm," he thinks for a second. "I think I will go with truth."

"Okay! What is your best physical feature?" She snorts at the question.

"Well many have told me that my eyebrows are on fleek." He answers, smoothing over his eyebrows with his fingers. Hanji burst out laughing at his answer while everyone else just laughs more calmly. I smirk because it was a pretty good answer. Once everyone had calmed down again, mostly Hanji, she shook the phone to see who the next person would be.

"Farlan, truth or dare?"

"Truth." He replies.

"Which player makes you laugh the most?"

"Isabel of course!" He laughs, ruffling Isabel's hair with his hand. She laughs, shoving his hand away playfully and tries to fix her hair again.

"Awe," Hanji and Eren coo, giggling at the adorableness of the two.

After a few moments of giggling, the game was back on again and Hanji shook the phone to see who's turn it was next.

"Levi, truth or dare?" Hanji asks.

"Dare." I reply.

"Alright. It says you have to kiss the person on your right, on the lips." She giggles. I glance over to the person on my right, who happens to be Eren, who looks quite shocked by the sudden dare, before moving my eyes back to her.

"Are you sure that's what the phone says?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow at her.

"Yes I'm sure. Why would I lie to you, Ravioli?" she asks, putting a hand on her chest and feigning being hurt that I would think she was lying.

"Let me see the phone." I demand, raising my hand out to take it from her.

"No!" She yells, clutching the phone to her chest. "Are you chickening out of the dare Levi?" she asks, a cocky grin now on her face. Damnit, she knows I don't like to lose. I glare at her.

"Fine. I'll do it." I growl. "BUT only if Eren is okay with it too." I turn to look at Eren questioningly, who looks quite scared at being put on the spot.

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