Chapter 16 - A Trip?!

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*This song just really reminds me of Ereri and I love that bass drop >3< lol*

Chapter 16 - A Trip?!

(Levi's POV)

Eren and I had started out sitting on the couch normally, a bit of space between us, but as the movie progressed Eren had somehow scooted so close to me that he was basically leaning on me. He took advantage of the way I tended to drape my arm over the top of the couch so he could get even closer to me so we were basically cuddling. It's not like I really minded all that much though. It was, nice. Four eyes definitely took the chance to say how adorable we were and I grunted at her, rolling my eyes. Eren's face was like a tomato from the comment which was quite amusing.

Through the movie Eren would make little comments, and at one point spoiled about Mufasa's death. The spoilers were slightly annoying but I'm glad Eren was having a good time, and the movie actually wasn't that bad.

At some point throughout the movie Eren had also gotten up and grabbed a blanket, covering himself up in it. I snagged part of it from him to cover myself up so we were sharing it.

I'm not sure when but sometime during the movie I started to doze off, because the next thing I knew, it was morning and there was something heavy and snoring loudly on top of me. And is my shirt wet? I look down to see a sleeping Eren, drooling all over me.

"Oi brat, you're drooling all over me. Wake up." I nudge him.

"Mm Levi you smell good." Eren murmurs sleepily, nuzzling his face into my chest. I feel my heart skip but I try to ignore it.

"Wake up before I shove you off this couch." I nudge him a little harder this time.

"But I'm comfy~" He whines, wrapping his arms around my waist to stop me from pushing him off if I tried. I needed to figure out something to catch his attention.

"Well if you won't get up then I guess we can't go on the trip I had planned." I muse, feigning disappointment and trying to hide the smirk that wanted to play on my lips.

"A trip?" He looks up at me with adorably curious eyes. "What kind of trip?"

"If you get up you'll find out soon enough."

"Well why didn't you say so before?!" He excitedly rolls off me and onto the floor, grunting quietly at the impact, before standing up and grinning at me, waiting for me to get up also. I roll my eyes as I stand up off the couch, shoving the blanket to the side.

"Before we do anything I am going to change my shirt and you are going to go have blood. We are not going to deal with any blood thirsty vampires today." I look down at my wet shirt disgustedly as he nods, quickly kissing me on the cheek and dashing to the kitchen with a "Good morning, Levi."

"Adorable brat," I mumble as I walk up the stairs to my room to change. Everyone else must have went upstairs last night as no one else was down here when we woke up. It slightly frightened me what that shitty four eyes could have done while I was asleep.

I finished changing and went back downstairs to find Eren in the kitchen with a cup in his hands. I grabbed a cup for myself as he finished his. "Go change your clothes, find something at least nice-ish." I order after he had finished his blood. At the moment he was wearing pajamas and I refuse to take him anywhere like that. He set his empty cup in the sink and nodded again, saying a quick "k" before heading upstairs to change quickly.

After a few minutes he came back down, trying to walk down the stairs while putting on his shirt, halfway over his head and one arm through. He looked like an idiot but he did have a pretty nice build underneath for looking pretty weak normally. It's not like I was trying to gauk, my eyes just happened to see that first.

He got his shirt on completely by the time he reached the bottom of the stairs, and he looked to me excitedly. "Are we going now?" He asked, practically jumping in place. I'm pretty sure he won't be as excited once he finds out where we are actually going.

"Yah, the car is in the garage." I start walking to the doorway to the garage with him following behind.

"Woah, you have a car?!" He asked that like he expected us not to.

"No, we run everywhere. Of course we have a car." I deadpanned sarcastically.

"Right." He laughed, embarrassment written on his face. I smirk as we get into the car. As we wait for the garage door to open I decide now should be a good time to go over what he should be prepared for.

"Since this is your first time outside since changing, there are going to be some things you should be prepared for." I pull out of the garage and start the drive to town. It usually takes about 10 minutes to get to town because of where we live. It gives us some time to go over everything. I now have his attention and he is looking over at me, waiting for me to continue. "There will be a lot of new smells, especially humans. I want you to ignore them as much as possible. Try breathing through your mouth if that helps."

"What do humans smell like?" He looks over to me quizzically, his brows creased in question. I try to think of a good way to explain it. It's not the easiest thing to explain how something smells.

"Well, you know how blood smells, right?" He nods. "It's kind of like that. You'll be drawn to them at first since you're still new. That's why you're not going to leave this car at all when we get to our first stop. Otherwise you will just stay by me the entire time." He nods in understanding. As long as he stays near me or locked in this car I can make sure he doesn't do anything he will regret.

"Where are we going anyways?" He asks after a few minutes of silence. We had reached the town and were now close to our first destination.

Your school. I promised your sister I would get your missing homework." I can see his face change from confusion to shock and then to a little bit of anger at the mention of school from the corner of my eye.

"Wait, you were serious. I thought you just told her that to get her off our backs. I really have to do all the homework I'm missing?" He was whining now. Honestly, it's not like it will be that hard. I can always help him if he needs it anyways. I roll my eyes at his protest.

"I'm not going to let you fail just because your life took a bit of an unexpected turn. Think of it this way, once you graduate you never have to go through it again for the rest of eternity." He groans loudly and sinks into his seat, making me chuckle at his behavior. I can't really say I remember much from when I was in school but I understand the hatred he has towards it. Especially the work that is involved with it.

We pull into the school's parking lot, and I turn the car off and turn to look at him. "You're going to wait in this car and not move at all while I go and get your shit. Once I get back we'll go somewhere actually interesting. Alright?"

"Got it." He salutes me with a wave of his hand and winks at me. I smirk and get out of the car. I speed walk to the front doors and get to the office as quick as possible. I would have preferred bringing him in with me but it would have looked weird since he is supposed to be gone in the first place, and also, school was on and I didn't want any problems at the moment dealing with people he knew.

I was on edge the entire time I waited for the office lady to collect all the homework, tapping my foot impatiently. It's not that I didn't trust the brat, it's just that fledglings could be unpredictable if they caught a whiff of something they liked.

As soon as the lady had given me everything, I dashed outside, wanting to get to the car as fast as possible. I was waiting for the relief to wash over me, seeing Eren still in the car,

but it didn't come. That little shit was gone.

*So I have begun working on my Christmas special for you guys. I was going to keep it a secret until Christmas but I am just too excited so I'll just keep the topic secret. X3 I really hope you guys like it because I for one think it is going to be awesome! It will be a Ereri/Riren story. It will be based off a movie I like and fanart by Lena so hopefully you guys like it. I have been working really hard on it. :3 I plan to upload the first chapter on Christmas day.*

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