Chapter 17 - New Family

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*Hello Everyone and Merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy this new chapter! Also, my new Christmas ereri story is up so if you like Frozen and ereri you should totally check it out!* 

Chapter 17 - New Family

(Levi's POV)

That little fucker couldn't just stay in the car for a few minutes. I knew that lady was taking too damn long. I threw his shit in the car before walking over to the other side to see if there were any traces of where he had went. There was a faint scent so I followed it on foot. He had most likely left the car about 5-7 minutes ago; for what reason I had no clue, but it better be a damn good one. I just hope he doesn't do anything he will regret.

As I walked, the scent got stronger, fresher. There was suddenly a loud commotion from an alleyway a few blocks ahead. I sprinted. A part of me hoping it was Eren and the other hoping it wasn't. There weren't very many people around at this time because everyone was usually at school or working.

The alleyway was darkened by a lot from the shading of the buildings between it but I could see perfectly. There was Eren. He had a kid who looked to be around his age pinned against a wall. Another was close to unconscious near his feet. Eren moved his fist up, looking to punch the kid right in the skull. It would most likely kill a human, Eren had more strength now. I had no clue what was going on but I had to do something to stop it. He went to swing as I yelled.

"Eren!" His movements paused and he tilted his head toward me, indicating he had heard me, but not looking at me. "You'll kill him." I said it more gently.

"That's kind of the idea, Levi." He growled over to me, glancing my way before turning to the kid again. It hadn't been a long glance but it had been enough for me to see the gold in his eyes. I had never seen this side of Eren before. I have no clue if it had always been there or if it had came with the package but it was new to me nonetheless. The kid looked terrified too.

"Just let him go. I think you've frightened him enough." I pause. "Please." I really didn't care about the kids. I didn't know them, but I cared about Eren and I knew him well enough to know he'd regret killing someone later, even if he didn't think so in this moment. I had been in the same boat before.

He seemed to calm down a little and his grip loosened enough on the boy's shirt for him to get away. He grabbed his buddy and they ran past me and out the alley, crying. Babies.

"What the hell was that!" I yell, a mixture of anger and relief mixing inside of me. Eren stood in place for a minute, ignoring me, before walking over to a box that was sitting on the ground near the opposite alley wall, and picking it up.

"They were going to kill them." He whispered, looking down at the box in his hands.

"What?" I was honestly confused at the whole turn of this situation. Eren had obviously calmed down though, his eyes back to normal also. He walked over to me and showed me the box. Inside were two orange tabby kittens who looked like they hadn't been taken care of in weeks. They stared up at me, obviously frightened.

"I want to take care of them." He announced, giving me a face that was saying he wouldn't take no for an answer. I sighed. At least no one died. Now that I think about it though, Eren didn't look like he was about to kill for blood. He seemed to have full control of his actions, which was pretty impressive. I don't think I've ever seen that kind of control from someone who hadn't even been a vampire for a week before. It probably also helped that he had something to drink before he left home, but still.

"Whatever. Let's get them home then, but you're still in deep shit for leaving the car." He obviously didn't take me seriously as he grins and starts walking back to car, box of kittens in tow.

(Eren's POV)

We got back to the car and got in. Levi started the car and started the drive home. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't actually know how angry he was at me. I like to think my reason was pretty valid, but that didn't mean anything. After a bit of silence Levi sighed beside me.

"You never actually explained how that little situation started in the first place." Right. I should have known he would want to know what happened. Now how to explain it.

"Well after you left I was just sitting here. I never really noticed it before but vampires have a lot better hearing! I heard a bunch of crashing sounds from the alley way up ahead, so I thought I'd go check it out. I know you said not to leave the car but I didn't think it would take that long. I got bored. I honestly only thought I was going to look and leave. But then I realized those boys were going to kill these cats and I just kind of lost it. My mom always told me I needed to work on my anger problems." I finished my ramblings and looked at Levi to see if there was any kind of reaction at all to my explanation. Of course he hid everything, if there even was anything. He just nodded with an "Oh". After that there was more silence. It wasn't an awkward silence at least.

"So what are you going to do with those?" Levi spoke up, nodding towards the box.

"I'm going to feed and bathe them then I'm going to take care of them." I said proudly, but then something very important dawned on me. "Levi, we don't have anything for them! We have to get some things for them."

"You seriously didn't notice we weren't heading in the direction of home? Of course we need shit for them if you want to keep them." He raised a brow. He said it with an almost sassy tone but I knew him better than to take it personally. I actually hadn't realized we were driving the opposite direction until now. We were pulling into a parking lot of a small pet store and Levi parked the car. "You can come in with me this time. It shouldn't take long so the cats will be fine in here." He added, getting out of the car. I guess as long as we hurry and grab everything we need quick then the cats should be fine.

"Alright." I step out of the car, making sure the box isn't tilted at all on the seat before closing the door.

We bought our supplies quickly. A litter box, food, water and food bowls, grooming supplies, and because I begged, a bed, toys, and collars. Levi had insisted we get the best grooming supplies they had.

We payed for everything, well Levi payed, and we headed back to the car. The kittens seemed to have calmed back down quite a bit as they were now mewling quietly from the box every once in awhile on the drive back. I told them how I was going to take care of them and that they would love their new home.

The drive home seemed to go faster than the drive to town seemed to take. We pulled in the garage and Levi grabbed my school work from the back before grabbing some of the other things and helping me carry them in. It only took us one trip to carry everything, luckily, so we didn't have to come back out.

We walked in and found everyone hanging out in the kitchen.

"There you two are! We were wondering what happened to you guys." Hanji exclaimed excitedly. "Oooh what's in the box?" She questioned after noticing the box in my hands.

"I found some kittens and decided I'm going to take care of them!" I announce excitedly. Everyone turned their heads to look at me holding the box. Erwin, Hanji, and Isabel seem to get especially excited at the announcement of kittens. Who would have thought Erwin would be a cat guy.

Everyone walks over to get a closer look in the box as I sat it down on the floor. The kittens looked up at us and mewled loudly.

"We should feed and then bathe them first." Erwin says, picking one of the small kittens up out of the box and cradling it. I nod and pick the other one up.

"Let's get to it then!" Hanji bounces excitedly, as everyone nods in agreement.   

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