Chapter 13 - A Plan is Made

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*God I love NateWantsToBattle's covers and songs so much! Also, new Noragami opening is da bomb! lol :P*

(Eren's POV)

It takes us about two hours to finish cleaning and by then it's going on 10 pm. We would have gotten done way sooner but Levi told us that we didn't clean it right the first time and so we had to do it over again. Of course I thought it looked fine the first time, but what do I know? After we all finished cleaning, we headed up stairs to take quick showers because we were all still covered in sauce ourselves.

I finish my shower and put on a change of clothes, just a random shirt and some shorts I found in my closet, before heading downstairs again to find somebody to talk to. I find Erwin, Hanji, Isabel, and Farlan all sitting on the floor in the living room playing Super Smash Bros on the PS4.

"Kirby will destroy all of you bitches!" Hanji screams, laughing loudly; obviously getting very into the game.

"Hey guys." I say, interrupting Hanji before she can make another outburst. They all look over to me.

"Hey Eren. We're playing smash bros. You wanna play too?" Isabel asks, offering a controller and smiling over at me.

"No thanks, I'm fine." I decline, shaking my head and smiling back.

"Alright, suit yourself. If you change your mind, just ask. You can still hang in here if you want to." She replies, shrugging and turning back to the game that had been paused and was now being resumed.

"Alright." I pause. "Actually, where's Levi? I haven't seen him in a while."

"Hmm? I think he is outside." Farlan answers, glancing over to me again.

"Okay, thanks. I'll go find him then."

"No problem." He nods, returning to the game. As I walk towards the back patio doors I can hear Hanji yelling again.

"Hey! Oh you're going down Erwin!" Everyone laughs.

I walk through the patio doors that lead to the pool outside and find Levi sitting at the edge of the pool with his feet dangling in the water and leaning back with his hands behind him, holding him up, looking up at the sky, seemingly lost in thought. The pool lights give off a light glow to our surroundings. I quietly make my way over to Levi so I am standing near him before saying something.

"Hey Levi." I say quietly.

"Oh Eren, hey." He turns his head to look over at me.

"Why are you sitting out here all alone?"

"Well you have seen how loud they can get in there." He sighs. "And besides, I'm not alone."

"You're not?"

"No. You're out here too." He motions for me to sit next him on the edge of the pool.

"Right." I laugh lightly, taking the seat next to him and dipping my feet in the pool and leaning back, copying his position. "It's really beautiful out here." I say after a few moments of silence, referring to the scenery around us. It's a clear night and all the stars are shining brightly, the glow of the full moon reflecting on the water of the pool. The water moving slightly with the breeze, reflecting on the sides of the walls and the ground. In the distance, there are mountains and trees of many shades of greens.

"It is." Levi agrees. "I like to come out here and just think about things. It helps me clear my mind."

"Yah." I agree. A few moments of silence pass by before Levi speaks again.

"Eren, I-" he pauses. "I just wanted to thank you for agreeing to stay with us and let us help you. I'm- We're really glad you're here. It's been awhile since we've had someone new, so..." he trails off. I turn my body so that I am completely facing him.

"I should be the one thanking you, Levi. I mean you're the ones who are letting me stay in your house. I mean, who knows what would have happened if you hadn't helped me out. And to be honest, I haven't had this much fun in a while. I know I'm not always the easiest person to be around, since my parents went missing." I laugh lightly, even with the tears pricking my eyes at the thought of my parents. I look down at the ground because that was better than having Levi see me cry.

"Eren?" Levi lifts my head with his hand under my chin to look me in the eyes. "Please don't cry. I'm here for you now, we all are." His eyes show compassion and worry for me, and he has a slight frown on his face. I nod and flash him a small smile to tell him I appreciate it. We sit there, staring into each other's eyes for what seems like minutes before I start to realize Levi starting to lean closer. I don't pull away, I don't know what to do. Is he really going to kiss me? I close my eyes, waiting for the feel of his lips on mine. I feel his warm breath brush across my lips, making my heart flutter with anticipation.


My phone vibrates in my back shorts pocket, making me jump slightly and fall back away from Levi, my eyes snapping open in shock and my face starting to burn red. I decide not to say anything about the situation and quickly take my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it and checking to see the cause of its interrupting.

"It's Mikasa." I sigh, looking to Levi, who once again has his signature pokerface on, hiding any emotion he might have been feeling. I had completely forgotten about Mikasa wanting to keep tabs on me and how I was doing.

"Well you shouldn't make her worry." He says, pulling his feet out of the water and standing up, brushing his shorts off of any dirt from sitting on the cement. He doesn't look at me as he gets up. "I'm heading inside." he turns and starts walking back to the patio doors. I want to say something to stop him and make him come back, but I don't know what to say so I let him go. Why are feelings so complicated?

(Levi's POV)


I shut the door behind me, perhaps a little too hard, as I walk inside the house. I was so close too! The one time I actually make a decision to follow through on something and it fails miserably. Eren probably won't ever want to come near me again now. I sigh, walking into the living room, where everyone else is still playing video games, and flop down on the nearest couch, leaning into it and putting my head back, shutting my eyes. Before I can even have them closed for a minute, the stupid Shitty Glasses notices my presence.

"Levi! There you are! Where's Eren?" she asks. I don't bother opening my eyes to look at her when I answer her.

"Outside." I mumble, not really in the mood to talk.

"Oh. Were you outside together?" What is with all these questions? This is getting ridiculous.

"Mmhhmm," is all I say in reply.

"Did something happen?" These questions are starting to irritate me.

"No! Nothing happened!" I snap at her. Everyone looks over at me, shocked by my sudden outburst. It even shocked me a bit. I know she was only asking because she cared, but for some reason her questioning irked me. "Nothing happened." I whisper again, softer than the first time. Maybe it was the fact I was angry with myself because of my screw up with Eren that got me to snap at her, but even so, she didn't deserve me to snap at her. "Look, I'm sorry." I apologize to her. "I think I'm going to go to bed." I get up and turn to leave, I hear them all whisper together quietly as I start to walk toward the stairs. As I get to the first step Hanji yells for me. I turn around to look at her and see what she wants. She has a large grin on her face and an excited glint in her eyes, like she just thought up the best idea ever and can't wait to go through with it.

"Levi, we want you to play a game with us." It was more of a demand than a question, that large grin never leaving her face. I have a bad feeling about this "game".

*Have I ever mentioned how much I love No Name? Because I really love No Name lol
Sorry for the longer wait, I have been slightly busy lately but I got this posted today on my birthday so yay! haha Also, I hope you guys like the next upcoming chapters once they are up, because I'm really excited about them! X3 haha*

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