Chapter 7 - The Phone Call Everyone's Been Waiting For

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*This song^ has got to be one of my favorites and the MMD that goes with it is beautiful. Everything about this video is beautiful! And their outfits at the end! I just... AAAHHH! X3*

(Eren's POV)

If I call Mikasa right now, what could I tell her? I can't tell her the truth and even if I did, she would probably never believe me. I mean, who would believe you if you called them up randomly and told them you had been turned into a vampire? That's not something most people would believe.

"Why don't you tell her that while you were at the party, you met one of us and we mentioned that we needed help with something so you decide to come with us and help. You were so busy you forgot to call and then your phone ended up dying. You finally got a charger and that's why you're calling now, but we are not finished with what we needed help on so you say you're going to stay for a while and help finish it." Farlan suggests.

"Hmmm... That actually might work. It's worth a shot at least." I say, unlocking my phone and dialing up Mikasa's number. I hesitate over the call button. "Sigh, it's now or never." I whisper to myself, hitting the call button and putting the phone to my ear.

The phone rang 3 times before someone pick it up. "Hello?"

"Mikasa? It's me, Eren."

"Eren! Oh my god! What happened? Where are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Mikasa. Don't worry. I'm with some friends I met at Annie's party. They needed some help with something and I offered to help them out. We have been really busy and by the time I was going to call you, my phone died. I had to get a new charger before I could get ahold of you. We are not done yet so I think I'm going to stay for a while until we're finished. Alright?"

"What?! You just met these people and you're already staying with them?! They could be murderers!"

"I'm pretty sure if they were going to murder me, they would have done it by now Mikasa."

"Damn right we would have." I can hear Levi say under his breath next to me.

"Whatever Eren. I want to speak with one of them then."

"Okay, fine. Just a sec." I move the phone away from my face to talk to the others. "She says she wants to talk to one of you." Before I can even react, Levi snatches the phone from my hand.

(Levi's POV)

"I got this Eren." I say before putting the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Are you one of Eren's new friends that he is staying with?"

"Yes I am. My name is Levi. Don't worry, we won't let anything happen to Eren."

"Well I guess if Eren trust you, I'll let him stay. But what about school? He's a senior and I refuse to have him get behind in school when he is so close to being finished."

"We can pick up the homework he misses and if he needs help on it I will help him."

"I won't need any help on my homework!" Eren interrupts. I glare at him to tell him to shut up and he does.

"I guess that works then. Okay, let me talk to Eren again." I hand Eren back the phone without saying anything. He takes it and puts it back up to his ear.

(Eren's POV)


"I guess you can stay until you're done doing whatever you're doing,"

"Oh that's awes-"

"BUT I want you to call or text me everyday so I know you're okay. Got it?"

"Yeah I got it."

The Vampire and the Brat (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now