Chapter 2 - The Party

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(Eren's POV)

I had finally decided on what I was going to wear after searching for a few hours. My room is a disaster but that's okay, I can fix it later. My outfit consist of some old skinny jeans with a few tears in them; I like to think it makes them look cooler, a black Panic! At The Disco T-shirt, and a leather jacket I stole from Mikasa. I don't really have any shoes to go with it so I guess I will just wear my old converse ones. I think it looks fine and besides, I gotta stay unique.

I look over at the clock to check the time and it's already 7:15. Armin's going to be here in 10 minutes! I rush to finish my outfit and head downstairs only to almost crash into Mikasa half way down the stairs.

"Eren! Slow down before you knock us both down the stairs! Are you ready to go? Armin's going to be here soon."

"Yah I'm ready. What do you think?"

She studies my outfit for a few seconds before replying. "It's good enough. Let's go wait for Armin outside."

"Okay. Wait, 'good enough'? Is it bad? Should I go up and change it?"

"No. you look fine. Stop worrying so much. Besides, I thought you wanted to be unique."

"You're right. I am unique. My outfit is perfect!"

"Alright, then let's go wait outside" she says as she starts walking out the door.

Soon after we went outside, Armin pulled up infront of the house and waved. We waved back as we started walking to the car.

"Alright, you guys all ready?"

"Yep." We both reply.

"Awesome" he says as he pulls away from the house.

Armin and Mikasa both decided to go hipster for the party so their outfits are pretty similar. Both have those big nerd glasses and suspenders. Armin's outfit is more of a combination of cooler colors while Mikasa's is more warmer colors. Mikasa has a red scarf to go with her outfit and Armin has added a tan-ish hat to his.

When we get to the party almost everyone was already there, but we aren't late so that's a plus.

We walked into the house to find it crowded with people we didn't know and the song "Boyfriend" blasting through the speakers. Normally I hate Justin Beiber but since this was the cover of the song, done by "Issues", it was a lot better.

Soon we all started to break apart and mingle with our other friends that were here. Armin went to go find Annie while Mikasa and just walked to find a random friend; I ended up hanging out with Connie and Sasha for most of the night.

Someone had decided to bring alcohol to the party so by 9 everyone was basically drunk out of their minds. I'm not a very big drinker so I was still mostly sober. I did end up having some but not enough to where I had no clue what I was doing.

By 11, I decided it was probably time for us to go home so I went to go find Mikasa. She was in the kitchen talking to some guy I have never seen before.

"Hey Mikasa. I think we should get going soon."

"Alright. Just a few more minutes. I'll come and find you."

"K" I decided I would go and try to find Armin while I waited. What I walked in on was not my plan to walk in on. Obviously Armin and Annie finally outed their feelings for each other and it seems to have went well from what I walked in on.

I decided to leave Armin alone for now and just started to wander. I was walking through a random hallway when I got the greatest idea ever. I planned on getting Mikasa back for making me feel stupid this morning and I finally realized the perfect prank. I'll pretend to ditch her and then when she comes to find me, I'll jump out and scare her. It's brilliant!

Since Armin obviously won't be driving us home we will have to walk, but we don't live very far from Annie's so it's only a short 15-20 minute walk.

I leave the party and start to really plan my prank. Annie lives next to a few small stores so there are a few small alleys that I can hide in that will be perfect. I decide on the one closest to Annie's so I can see when Mikasa leaves.

Now I wait.


There was a loud noise behind me. I turn around and see a person staring at me from down the alleyway.

"Who's there?" I yell. The stranger just stares at me for a few seconds before turning around and running away. "Wait! Come back here!" I chase after them trying to figure out who they are. They looked oddly familiar.

Soon the stranger turns a corner and hits a dead end. They turn around to see me trying to catch up with them when suddenly I run into a small box I hadn't seen in the dim light and trip and fall. "Ouch! My leg." I scraped my knee when I fell and now it was bleeding. I guess wearing pants with holes in them was not the best choice.

I get up to walk over to the stranger but they are gone. "Hey! Where did you go!" I yell, trying to look and see where they could have went. That's when something came up behind me and suddenly everything went black.

(Mikasa's POV)

I have been talking to Jared for a while and I finally remembered telling Eren we would leave in a few minutes, though I may have said that a hour or so ago. Oops. He needs to learn to get more patience anyways. I should probably go find him now. I decide to tell Jared I'm going to head home and we exchange phone numbers so we can talk again.

Jared is a senior like me but he goes to a different high school.

I tell him I'll talk to him later and we part ways. I need to go find Eren. Most of the people have left by now. The few that are still here are either passed out or are about to leave. I look all over the house but I can't seem to find him anywhere. I saw Armin and asked him if he knew where Eren was but he didn't know either. I swear if Eren ditched me, he is going to be in so much trouble!

I eventually give up searching the house and decide that he did in fact ditch me and I am going to kill him when I get home. Honestly! The boy has no patience whatsoever!

I make the walk home quickly since I'm not very fond of walking alone outside in the middle of the night. I enter the house quietly so that I can sneak up on Eren. That's what he gets for ditching me and making me walk home alone.

I head upstairs to his room and quietly open the door. I turn on the lights and am about to yell at him when I realize he is not in his room. "Where is he?" I leave the room and start searching the house for him. My anger slowly changing to worry as I can't seem to find him in any of the rooms. "Eren! Where are you! This better not be another stupid prank!" I yell. No answer.

If he's not home, then where is he?

The Vampire and the Brat (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now