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Cams POV

It's been a week since we got to Bora Bora and Lexi is the happiest that I've seen her in the last month or so. We've gone snorkeling on a boat I had rented, went for walks around the beaches and just done the most amazing things. The one bad thing is she has barley eaten anything since we got here. All she really does is push the food around her plate the make it look like less and she probably doesn't think I've noticed, but trust me I have. She had started doing it again even before we left California and I'm worried.

"Lex, do you want some lunch?" I called out, she was sitting on the patio reading one of the oh so many books she brought with us on the trip.

"No thanks babe." She called back, not looking up from her book.

I smiled at her cute face as she concentrated on the story but frowned once I realized what she had in fact said. Sighing, I walked out on to the patio to try and talk to her. I sat down on the outside couch next to her before snatching to book from her hands causing her to scowl at me. I put the book on the small table in front of us before pulling Lexi onto my lap.

"Baby I think we need to talk." She crinkled her nose at that, not really liking where this was going.

"About what?" She asked, looking back at me.

"I'm scared for you." I admitted, there was no point in trying to beat around the bush on this issue.

I couldn't just let her go back to the way she was when I first met her. That Lexi was so damaged and fragile. We had been together for almost a year now and she has made much progress in that amount of time. I loved her too much to let her slip back into that damaging habit again.

"I'm fine Cam." She tried to defend herself, but I knew it was a lie.

"Baby then why aren't you eating again?" I needed to get to the bottom of this situation.

"I am.." she trailed off, not looking me in the eyes.

"Lex." I warned, wanting her to tell the truth.

I couldn't stand not knowing if she was actually okay or not.

"Well we haven't you know.. done anything since Ethan was born and I thought that you didn't like the way I looked anymore. I thought that maybe by eating a little less I could loose the baby fat and you would like me again." She admitted, a few tears sliding off of her cheeks.

My heart felt like it was breaking right then and there. She thought I didn't find her attractive anymore? Had I been neglecting our intimate side of the relationship and didn't even realize it?

"Baby don't cry, you're beautiful okay? I love everything about you and nothing in this world could change that. That 'baby fat' as you call is completely unnoticeable. And even if it was I would love you the same because it's there as a reminder that you gave us our beautiful son." I wiped the tears from her cheeks and leaned in to plant a light kiss on her forehead.

"I loved you." She mumbled into my shoulder.

"I love you too baby now let's go inside so I can show you just how much I do." I smirked at her, scooping her up bridal style causing Lexi to let out a few giggles.

"Don't forget the condom." She reminded me after I placed her down on the bed.

"Way ahead of you." I pulled one out of my bag before stalking over to her, thanking God that we had our on private villa.


"Pillows aren't suppose to move." Lexi grumbled out, not opening her eyes.

After earlier she had fallen asleep in my arms and I couldn't be happier. She looked so beautiful in her sleep but I couldn't help but wiggle around. I've had to pee for the last hour and Lexis body on top of mine wasn't really helping.

"Sorry Lex I have to pee though." I explained, she shifted before rolling over so I could get up.

I immediately got up and headed into the bathroom to do my business. I came back into the room to see Lexi now sitting up in bed watching tv and pouted once I saw that she was now wearing my t shirt.

"Not all of us like to walk around naked Cameron." She giggled, obviously noticing the shift in my face.

"But I like seeing you naked." I whined, hopping back into the bed and pulling her into my arms.

We sat like that for a while just in each others arms watching whatever random show came on the tv. That was until I heard a little alert on my phone. I went to grab it and saw that Nash posted a picture on Instagram. I put the passcode in before opening the app and smiling a little. It was a picture of him sitting around a fire with the Jacks, Hayes who was holding Ethan and a girl who looks oddly familiar.

"Hey Lex isn't that Taylor?" I asked and she completely went stiff before snatching the phone from my hand.

"I can't fucking believe they did this! We need to go home right now." She demanded, getting g up from the bed and going to try and find her suit case.

"Lexi wait, what did they do?" I hopped up too, try and get her to stop packing her things.

"Hayes and Nash! That's who, don't you see? They completely planned this on purpose." She fumed.

"Planned what Lex?" I asked, genuinely confused at the whole situation.

What could have Nash and Hayes done to take her this upset? I mean I know they're siblings so why would she freak out that Hayes came to California.

"Who's idea was this trip?" She asked, stopping from packing for a second.

"Um Nash, he thought it would be good for us to get away for a couple weeks." I answered, still completely confused.

"I knew it." She seethed, continuing to throw things into her bag.

Which left me still out on the blue on this whole situation. What could have possibly made her this angry. I needed answers so I went and stood in between her and her bag with my arms crossed.

"Will you please explain to me what the hell has gotten you so upset?"

"Hayes got Taylor pregnant." She unemotionally responded, going around me to throw some more things in her bag but I just sat there frozen.

Little, 16 year old Hayes, got a girl pregnant? And not just any girl, but his sisters best friend whom I thought was dating Jacob considering Lexi hadn't mention her in a few months.

"What happened to Jacob?" I asked, not really knowing what else to say.

"Oh she cheated on him with my little brother of all people isn't that great? Remember that day at the restaurant when I can back acting all weird? Saw Jacobs sister in the bathroom, who just so happened to yell at me for having a 'home wrecking' brother. Told me all about how Jacob had caught them too and he was going to forgive her till he found out she was pregnant." She bitterly laughed, while my jaw dropped open.

But I did the only thing I could, which was to start packing. If she wanted to confront them, then I was going to let her.


Hey fam! Wow I like writing in Cams POV way better which was what took me so long to write this chapter after trying to in Lexis for so long and getting nonwhere

And well that solved the mystery of who was in the bathroom

I bet none of you saw that coming or did you?

Anyway make sure to vote and comment!


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