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"Lexi wake up." Hayes yelled banging on my door.

"I'm up." I stated, slipping out of my bed and heading into the bathroom, scrambling to get ready in time for our flight. Throwing on a random tank top and a pair of sweats, I grabbed me suite case and ran downstairs.

"Honey you wanna eat something before we go?" my mother asked me.


"No mom I'm fine let's just go." I responded running out he door.

"Flight 276 to Nashville is now boarding." a voice boom from the inter come.

"All right guys be safe and call me when you get there" mom said hugging me Nash and Hayes, "and boys, watch out for Lexi okay?"

"Mom" I whined, "I can take care of myself." I pouted heading for the terminal with the boys in tow. Sticking my headphone in i showed the lady my ticket and found our row of seats before pushing all the way into the window seat.

"You know she just wants to make sure you're okay." Nash said sitting next to me.

"I know but she doesn't need too. We are the same age but she treats me like I'm five." I mumbled pouting and turning towards the window.

A little while later we landed, unloaded off the plane and caught a cab to the hotel. My hotel room wasn't ready yet so I just went with the boys to theirs in the mean time.

"Hey guys I'm just ganna take a little nap." I sleepily said crawling under the covers of one of the beds.

Falling into a light sleep I heard the door open and loud voices start talking.

"Yes a bed!" I heard one voice say before I felt the weight of a body on me.

"What the hell is under this blanket a skeleton?" the same voice asked before ripping the blanket off me.

I look up the see four new sets of eyes staring at me.

"Um hi?" I said giving a small awkward wave.

"Nash bro, why is there a girl in your bed?" a new voice asked.

"Chill guys this is our sister Lexi." Hayes explained joining me on the bed.

"Dude I knew you were bringing your sister but your forget to mention she was hot." the one holding my blanket said making me blush.

"Well I'm just ganna see if my rooms ready yet." I awkwardly claimed off the bed.

"Wait before you go I just wanted to introduce myself I'm Matt." one of the boys stepped forward.

"Lexi." i said smiling.

"And I'm Cameron and this is Taylor." another boy said pointing between himself and a boy with a bandana around his head. I smiled at the two and went to go get my bag.

"Here let me get that for you", the one who sat on me said grabbing my suitcase "I'm Carter by the way." he opened the door and lead us down to the lobby.

"Thanks Carter." I said closing to door behind me.

"No problem and sorry for jumping on you, you're so small I didn't see you under there." he explained grabbing my key for me.

What I couldn't understand is how he said I'm small. Can't he see me? I'm anything but small.

"It's fine really, could you tell Nash and Hayes I'll text them later?" I asked opening the door to my room.

"Sure, I'll see you later okay?" he said and I smiled waving him off before closing the door and unpacking some of my clothes. Grabbing my smaller bag I walked into the bathroom and set up my face stuff and makeup up on the counter. I guess I will need it after all considering all the attractive guys around. I wish Nash had told me before so I could've tried to make myself a little presentable asshole. My phone vibrated signaling someone text me.

Hayes: meet us at the pool

Is he shitting me? That is the one thing I'm most scared about. What if all the boys think I'm fat? What if they make fun of me like the kids at school?

Lexi: Um do I have to..?

Hayes: yes Nash says so and the rest of the boys want to meet you

Oh great there's more.

Lexi: okay ill be down in 5 then

I sent back getting out my black bikini with red sofe shorts and my favorite Bruins t-shirt. Slipping them on and grabbing a towel heading down to meet the boys.

"Lexi over here." Nash shouted from across the room, I could see four more boys with them than before.

Putting his arm around my shoulder he introduced the to me "Lexi this is Jack, Jack, Aaron and Shawn" he pointed to each boy "and boys this is my sister Lexi."

"Let's have a chicken fight!" Matt shouted before jumping into the pool the other boys following him. Stripping out of my clothes fast, so the boys wouldn't see my stomach and joined them.

"Okay so Hayes get on Carters shoulders and Lexi get on Cams." one of the boys instructed. Hesitating I swam over to Cam.

"Um you don't have to hold me Cam, I'm probably too heavy.." I trailed off not looking at his face.

"Don't be silly Lexi you're the complete opposite of heavy." he said pulling me onto his shoulders. He was probably just trying too be nice but I know that it wasn't the truth.

Me and Cam ended up winning 2 to 3 against Hayes and Carter. Now they're just swimming and I'm sitting on one of the lounge chairs with my towel covering me scrolling through twitter.

"Hey" Cameron came sitting next to me "why are you sitting here all alone?"

"Just not really into talking right now I guess."

"Well we could go exploring wanna?"

"Um yes!" we both got up and put our cloths on walking out of the pool area.

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