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Lexis POV

The next day I was laying in Cam and I's bed(after he washed the sheets of course) and refused to go out and see anyone. I was still pissed off about last night and wasn't ready to talk to anyone. Cam went to the store so right now it was just me and Ethan. It's a little passed two in the afternoon and thankfully no one has tried to come talk to me yet. I could hear all the noise the boys were making and could only imagine what I'd be left to clean up later. The noises eventually died down though and I thought it'd be safe to go lay Ethan down for his nap before he started crying.

I opened the door quietly with Ethan in my arms and looked both directions to see if the coast was clear. When I saw no one I made a dash for the nursery and closed the door behind me. I let out a sigh of relief before waking over to Ethan's crib. He had already fallen asleep in my arms so I placed a light kiss on his forehead before paying him down. I left after making sure he was okay and headed back to Cam and I's bedroom. When I opened the door I was not happy with what I saw. Nash and Hayes were both sitting at the end of my bed clearly waiting for me.

"Out. Both of you."

"No Lex, we really need to talk this out." Hayes spoke up, but I ignored him and turned around to walk out because if they weren't leaving then I sure as hell was.

I got as far as the hall closet before the two started following me and corned me at the end of the hall. I tried getting past them but they just weren't letting up.

"No Lexi. You're going to stand here and listen to us." Nash said, I just shot him a glare.

"And why should I do that? So you guys can lie to me some more." I shot back.

"Lex we haven't lied to you-" Hayes started before Nash smacked the back of his head, "okay maybe we have but it was just until I figured things out. Mom and Dad don't even know yet."

"Oh so I'm not the last one to know? Is that supposed to make me feel better or something?" I was heated at this point and just wanted to get out of there.

I tried to slip past the two again but no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't work. These two were like a brick wall or something.

"No it's not. Will you please just let me explain? It's not like I meant for this to happen okay? It just kind of did kind of like you and Cam-"

Wait back up for a second there. How dare he even try and compare these two situations together. I can't believe he is trying to use my situation to justify what he did right now.

"Oh no you don't. Hayes, do not even try to compare this to Cam and I. Two very different situations. Cam and I loved each other but you and Taylor? That was just a mistake." I shot back with so much venom in my voice.

Things got quiet for a few minutes after that. I could tell Nash was trying not to butt in and Hayes, he just had a blank look on his face. He spoke up, his voice was softer than before.

"Lexi and I having sex was a mistake but that baby, that baby is not." He was almost talking in a whisper by the end.

Just then I heard noises coming from the kitchen and hushed voices that seemed to be quietly arguing with each other. My brothers turned around to see what the cause of it was and I took the opportunity to slip out from them and run. I came to the living room only to see the Jacks and a puppy? He wiggled out of GIlinsky's grip and ran over to me.

"What the hell guys you were supposed to wait till she forgave us." Nash whined.

"Sorry bro but he slipped off his collar." He replied shrugging.

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