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*4 months later*

I found myself and Cam sitting in my old childhood bed for the first time in a while. It was finally time for Hayes and Taylor's baby to come. She was due any time this week and even though I'm still not happy about it I couldn't miss the birth of my nephew. Being back home with Cam was such a strange feeling to me. We hadn't been here in about a year and something about this trip just felt different. Not a bad different just this funny feeling I had.

My mom basically kidnapped Ethan the second we got here complaining that see has been deprived of her grandmotherly  duties; which was just fine by Cam and I. We've been here for five days and I've already gotten more sleep than in the last month. It was around six in the morning and the sun was just starting to peak through the shades when Cam rolled over to face me.

"You're up early." He commented, letting out a big yawn.

"Just got back from feeding Ethan." I replied, snuggling into the comforter.

I watched him pick up his phone and check the time. Suddenly he started getting up out of the bed and throw some random clothes on.

"I have something to do okay? I'll see you later
Love you." He said, leaning down and kissing my head.

I mumbled back a 'love you too' that defiantly didn't sound like English but it was early and he knew what I meant. After that I fell back into a pleasant sleep.

Later I was woken up by a knock on my door. Sitting up I stretched a little bit before telling to whoever it was to come in. As soon as the door open I saw Hayes and he began to walk in.

"What time is it?" I asked, just as he sat on the end of my bed.

"Just after 11." He replied and I began to panic a little.

"Oh no! Why didn't anyone wake me? Ethan's prob-"

"Ethan's fine I promise. I got him up changed and fed him. He's playing down stairs with Nash. I let you sleep because I wanted to see if I could do the whole dad thing you know?" He replied and I could see this look of worry in his eyes.

"You'll do fine I promise. To tell you the truth it's terrifying at first. I had absolutely no clue what I was doing." I admitted to him.

"Yeah but look at you know. You're a great mom and Cam's a great father. I'm just scared I won't live up to that."

"Hayes you have absolutely nothing to live up up. Last week I found Cam trying to feed Ethan  a damn cheese burger. Which by the way 7 month olds should absolutely not have." I warned which earned a little laugh out of him.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"So do you guys have any names picked out yet?" I asked, changing the subject to a lighter happier one.

"Yeah but Taylor made me promise to keep them a secret until he's born."

"At least tell me Nashs' name is somewhere in there because if not he'll be heart broken." I joked.

"The hell it is! He already somehow wiggled his way into getting your kid named after him." He joked back.

"I told you that you have my word my next son will be named after you."

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