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"You have got to be kidding me." I groaned as we walked into the house. Right in the living room was Nash sleeping with the tv blaring but no one else was in sight. Rolling my eyes I looked over at Cam who was struggling to get the bags in the door.

"Do you need any help?" I asked him, feeling bad that he had to lug them from the airport all the way here.

"No babe it's fine. You just might wanna turn the TV off before the noise wakes up Ethan." He instructed before moving the bags out of the door way.

I turned around and graded the clicker and pushed the off button before throwing it back on the chair. Turning towards my idiot twin I grabbed the glass of water off the coffee table and poured it directly onto his head. It caused him to shoot off the now soaked couch and look around dazed for a few minutes.

"Lexi? What are you doing here? What the hell was that for?" He yelled at me, still half asleep.

"Where are they." I demeaned, ignoring his words.

"Where are wh-"

I groaned and rolled my eyes at him. If Nash was going to be this way then I wasn't sticking around to see it. Before he could even finish his sentence I turned away and started down the hallway with Cam right behind me. I could hear Nash behind us trying to get us to just stay and talk in the living room. But we both chose to ignore him and continued on our way.

"Let's put the bags in our room first." Cam suggested is a whisper tone as we walked by Ethan's room.

I nodded at him and took a right down the hall way before passing the closed guest room door and Nash's room before turning the next corner to our room. I dropped my bag to open the door and was met with a sight I most definitely didn't want to see. Hayes and Taylor were asleep in our bed. 

"What the hell." I seethed, looking back at Cameron who was sharing the same facial expression as me.

I guess I was louder than I thought because not even ten seconds later Hayes shot up, falling off our bed in the process. The fall causing a loud noise as he hit the wooden floor. His eyes darted around the room looking confused for a second until the finally landed on me.

"Oh shit" I heard him mumble under his breath before standing up.

"What do you think you're doing in here?" Cam asked calmly before I got a chance.

"Be quiet please she finally just fell asleep. She's- she's been getting bad morning sickness and your room is the only one with a bathroom attached to it." He explained, but I wasn't having it.

"So it's true?"

"Lex-" He started, but before he could finish in walked fucking Gilinsky with his hand over his eyes. I guess that must of been him in the guest room then.

"If I hear banging coming from this room one more time this week I will personally make sure you will wake up without your dick." He threatened, causing my eyes to bulge out of their sockets.

"WHAT?" Both Cam and I yelled at the same time, causing sleeping beauty to finally wake up.

Gilinsky uncovered his eyes and his mouth dropped open into an O shape before muttering that this was too late for this shit and he'll talk to us in the morning.

Once he left I turned my attention towards the bed once again. Taylor was sitting up with the covers pooled at her waist just staring at me. I could tell she was trying to find the right words to say to me but it was so late and I was too tired to deal with this right now.

Before anyone could say another thing I turned around and grabbed Cams hand before leading him over to Ethan's nursery. We had passed Nash in the hallway again and he tried to stop and talk to me but I just ignored him. Cam stayed in the hallway for a minute and I could hear him tell Nash to try and talk to me in the morning which I just rolled my eyes at.

Inside the nursery was a couch with a pullout bed and I decided that sleeping there tonight would be better than in that tainted bed. Cam must have understood why I decided to go in there as he walked right to the couch after talking to Nash and started to pull the bed part out while I walked over to the crib. Ethan was peacefully sleeping on his back with the stuffed frog my idiot brother had given him when he met him for the first time. He looked so peaceful while he slept and I couldn't resist reaching out and brushing my finger lightly over his cheek and smiled.

Suddenly I felt two arms wrap around me and Cam laid his chin on my shoulder. I looked over at him and smiled a little before leaning in and giving him a peck on the lips.

"I really missed our little guy." He breathed out quietly, not wanting to wake him up.

"Me too." I admitted, turning around in his arms and burying my face in the crook of his neck.

"You going to be okay?"

"We'll just have to wait till tomorrow to see won't we." I laughed a little.

"Let's go to bed. We'll talk about everything in the morning okay?" He suggested after a few minutes, going to pull away but I just tightened my arms around him.

"Carry me." I replied sleepy.

"Ugh fine, you're lucky I love you." He gave in easily and scooped me off my feet.

He brought us over to the couch and gently laid me down before climbing in himself and pulling me back into his arms and under the blankets. I sighed and snuggled deeper into him before getting some much needed sleep.


Hey guys it's been a while hasn't it?

Sorry about that I'm so bad at timing and I didn't have any more ideas for a while there but I think I should be back on track now

Sadly this story will be ending soon but I do have a new one starting after so look out for that!

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