Chapter 20:

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"Wait, go back." I say while grabbing onto the page and turning it back. Before I can see the picture, she pulls the book to her chest and tucks her knees up. "C'mon, let me see." I smile while poking Bear in the stomach, watching her drop her knees and the book into her lap with a quiet squeak.

I take the book and put it on my own lap to look at the picture. It's an overhead picture of a guy and girl in bed and, based on their positions, I make the connection that it's of me and Bear the night we went to the club. Bear takes the sketch book back from me and turns the page quickly, not looking at me.

"Oh god, that's embarrassing." Bear blushes shyly.

"Why? I love it." I smile as me and Bear look over a picture of some running horses.

Bear doesn't speak about the picture of me and her again so she just tells me about more pictures. We get to a page that is titled 'Tattoos' and it's almost four front and back pages long. My eyes find a familiar treble clef tattoo and I'm shocked to realize that it's Lucy's tattoo.

"I didn't know you liked tattoos so much." I say.

"You learn something new everyday. Yeah, this is just a mass collection of tattoos I really like." Bear says and I venture forward by pointing my finger the treble clef tattoo.

"Where's this one from?" I ask.

"I follow a girl on Tumblr who got this tattoo. She lives in LA, you know." Bear says simply.

"Does she really? What's her name?" I ask, curiosity creeping into my voice.

"Lucy. Did you meet a 'Lucy'?" Bear asks, a knowing smile on her face.

"She posted about it?" I ask with a small laugh.

"Well, duh. She met Harry freaking Styles. I already know about how much you just loved her tattoo. And the whole holding your hand out to each other. Twisted love story that is." Bear says dramatically, her beautiful smile contrasting deeply with her bruised face.

I see a few more familiar drawings but Bear closes the book before I can turn the page to her most recent picture. Bear shakes her head with a smile and goes off with Caroline with our outfits. They come back with the clothes and as we start getting changed, Bear takes our opening act to the stage. After warming up, I get to my starting point on stage and find Bear waiting for me, her face looking normal in the lack of light.

"See you after." I say as I embrace Bear in a tight hug.

"Have a great show. It is April Fool's, so take it easy. Don't get hit in the balls again. Remember, flying shoes are dangerous." Bear smiles as she leaves.

"Hey, that girl had good aim." I call out to her and get ready to go onstage.

I do my usual pre-show ritual of blessing myself with the sign of the cross and giving myself a pep talk. The show goes off without a hitch but I'm exhausted when I get back to the hotel. When I'm finally alone in my own hotel room, my mom starts to wonder about Bear. What the hell was Eric thinking? And why didn't Bear tell me about Kyle before? Bear's face was only light bruised now and I begin to wonder of how bad she was before. Bear knew how to heal herself, but her arms still must be pretty cut up. I had a feeling that Bear wasn't telling me something and I really wanted to know what it was. The bad thing was, I never got the chance to press her on it.

Everyday after that, we were swamped with fan meetings, photo shoots and press. And Bear's demeanor completely changed. Overnight, she stopped flirting with me entirely and she barely spent any down time with us. She was always off doing "work" and when she was around, it was only friendly banter. No more kisses were exchanged. Rarely were any hugs given. We hadn't talked one on one in days. And while I was having withdrawals, everyone else seemed just fine. Even when I instigated the flirting, Bear quickly shot me down and kept the conversation short and simple.

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