Chapter 22

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“Josh, calm down! He didn’t do anything to me, I promise!” Josh was scary when he was mad. “Did he lay a hand on you? Tell me Rachel!” I started backing away, he was really scary! All of a sudden Josh’s face dropped and his eyes went from filled with anger, to sympathy and fear. “Josh whats wrong?” I started walking back towards him as he sat down into the sand.

“I would never hurt you, you know that right?” He wouldn’t look me in the eyes, just kept fidgeting with his hands. I grabbed his hands in mine and started playing with his fingers. “Of course I know that Josh, I believe you. What’s wrong?” He still wouldn’t look at me. I put my hand under his chin and slowly raised it, forcing him to look at me. “You were scared of me, I don’t want you to be scared of me. I, I, I just don’t know.” He wasn’t really sure what to say but I understood him. “Josh, I am not scared of you. You were just loud and intimidating for a minute so I stepped back. That’s all nothing more than that! Oh and you’re not scary because I know you’re ticklish!” I immediately started tickling his stomach as he erupted into a fit of laughter, spazzing on the ground. I couldn’t help but laugh myself.


Me and all the lads went to the beach today to just relax because we actually had a day off. Normally we have time to do things but not for as long and in between we would have to run to the studio or have a meeting with our publicity team. Ugh, the publicity team, they are the people that are forcing me to date Her. And of course, if we are dating, she would come to the beach with me. Anastasia is sitting next to me tanning. Her bikini is strangely tiny, not that she’s fat, she’s far from it. But I can see too many bones, I didn’t even know there were that many bones besides the collar bones in your chest.

“Hey babe” Anastasia opened her eyes are saw me staring at her. “Like what you see?” How am I supposed to respond to that? If only she knew in my mind I had a face of disgust on. Ok, she isn’t ugly, not at all. She just isn’t my type I guess. Admit it to yourself Harry,she isn’t


I wonder what she is doing right now? Is she still mad at me? I hope no, if I’m not allowed to date her I can still be friends with her right? But I don’t want to be just friends.

“EXCUSE ME!” I was snapped out of my thoughts and looked over and saw Anastasia with an annoyed look on her face. Hey, she wasn’t the only one. “Yeah?” I looked at her with no emotion in my face. “I’ve been trying to get your attention forever now. Can we go out to dinner tonight?” Normally I thought the guy should make the dates but oh well. Actually I think it would be pretty cool if guys didn’t have to make all the moves but not Anastasia. When she does it, it becomes annoying and bothersome. “Of course, wanna go to this really good sushi place? Its casual so you don’t have to get crazy dressed up.” I love sushi, I hope she does to! “Ew, sushi? Is that a joke? I don’t want to go to some casual high school dump of a restaurant. Let’s go somewhere fancy so I can get dressed up and look good for the paparazzi!” I really didn’t feel like getting dressed up today, looks like my plans changed. “Ok, I will pick you up at 6.” At least I made it earlier so I can go home earlier and just hang out today. All of a sudden I hear all the lads start laughing.

            “Why are you guys laughing at-” I thought they were laughing at me but them being the crazy boys of One Direction were in a dog pile all tickling each other.

            “Hey wait for me!” I got up and sprinted over to them and jumped on top “Owww, get off me losers!” I heard someone scream from the bottom. Except it wasn’t one of the lads, it was a girl. I knew it wasn’t Anastasia because she’s boring and would never take part in these “childish games” as she always put it. Next thing I know I was pushed off and everyone rolled off the person all the way on the bottom. And then I saw her. Rachel. I didn’t know she was here! “Rachel!” I didn’t even think about what I was doing. I ran towards her and grabbed her into my arms. I heard her laughing and I spun her around. I felt so happy in this moment and I could tell, she did too. I put her down and she looked me in the eyes. “For a second, I almost forgot you had a girlfriend.” She clenched her teeth and took a couple steps back. “What do you mean?” I looked at her puzzled and she just looked at me with a face of hate. “Oh, right” Anastasia. How could I forget about the fake girlfriend I’m forced to have. “Harry, Rachel! Over here!”

 The rest of the lads and Anastasia were sitting around in a circle. Well no one was sitting too close to her, I don’t blame them. If I could only tell them that I didn’t like her. Me and Rachel walked over there at sat down next to each other. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, just two friends sitting next to each other. Clearly that’s not what Anastasia thought about it, she came over and sat right in my lap. I knew why she did that, she’s trying to get rid of Rachel. Rachel just looked at me and then got up and went over to sit next to Niall. “Come ‘ere” Next thing I know Niall lifts her up and puts her right in his lap. She starts laughing and looks at him. “If you really wanted me to sit in your lap you could have just asked ya know?” “That would be boring!” We all just sat around at the beach taking in the breeze and ocean waves crashing on the shore. “Lads, why don’t we all go home and shower and then we can hang out at my place?” Liam said. They all said their yes’s and see ya there’s and then we started packing up. I gotta go get ready for my date, sadly.


            I went over to grab my beach bag and then go find Jade. Last thing I remember she ran away to talk to some guys while I was tickling Josh. “Will I be seeing you tonight?” I turn around and see Niall standing there. “If you’d like.” I smiled at him. Nothing is going on between us, we were always just flirty friends. Nothing would ever happen. “So then you shall be there!”. I smiled as he raised his voice. I look down at my phone and see a text from Jade.

Went to get lunch with Derek, if you still need a ride call me.

I replied with a quick “Don’t worry about it’ and started putting all my stuff in my bag. “Hey, Niall can I have a ride? Jade left me here.” I turned around hoping he wouldn’t mind. “Anytime Rachel. Let’s go!” He put out his arm and I linked mine with his as we walked down the boardwalk to his car. Blasting Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris we were both belting out the chorus.

So I put my faith in something unknown

I'm living on such sweet nothing

But I'm tired of hope with nothing to hold

I'm living on such sweet nothing

And it's hard to learn

And it's hard to love

When you're giving me such sweet nothing

Sweet nothing, sweet nothing

You're giving me such sweet nothing

After 10 minutes of my terrible singing with Niall’s amazing singing we were outside my house. “Thanks Niall, you’re the best!” “No problem Rae, see you later!” I got out and went to go shower.

Another chapter up! I have a lot of things coming up in the next weeks but I promise i will try not to disapear again!


SHOUTOUT TO ferna6681 !!!!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2013 ⏰

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