Chapter 1

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I got off the plane and took in my surroundings. I couldn’t believe I was finally in New York City. I was visiting my uncle Jon. He was always loads of fun and rather well off financially. There was nothing that could ruin this trip, except for one thing. Uncle Jon’s friend was visiting him as well with his wife and his son, Josh. I’ve only met Josh once and we didn’t get along. Hopefully this won’t be too awkward.

                “Come on Rachel, Jon parked his car over here” My mom’s voice ripped me out of my thoughts and back into reality.

                “Coming Mom!” I ran over to my uncles car and gave him a massive hug.

                “Uncle Jon I’ve missed you!” I truly had, last time I saw him I was only 9 years old but we talk on the phone all the time.

                “I’ve missed you too Rachel, now lets get going, I’m hungry and I thought I told you to just call me Jon!”

The drive back to the house was about 40 minutes but I didn’t mind it at all. He lived in a nice suburb outside of New York City. I loved watching the change of scenery outside from huge skyscrapers, transitioning into beautiful houses.

We turned down a street and pulled up to the house. It was even bigger than I had remembered! I quickly got out of the car and ran up to the front door. Uncle Jon unlocked the door and could tell by the look on my face that I was in awe. His house was perfectly clean and amazingly designed.

                “Here, Rachel follow be I’ll show you to your room!” Jon said as he took my suitcase. I grabbed my backpack and quickly followed. We went up two flights of stairs and at the end of the hallway Jon opened the door to reveal a gorgeous bedroom. There was a queen bed, two night side tables, a dresser, and a large flatscreen t.v. I walked in and realized there was also a walk in closet and a bathroom.

                “Man, I could get used to this” I said while flopping on to the bed.

Jon just laughed and then left the room. I decided to wash off my makeup and go to sleep since the time change had messed up my sleeping schedule. I changed into running shorts and an old t-shirt and climbed into the comfy bed.

~The next morning~


I woke up to hearing people downstairs talking. I rolled over and unlocked my iphone. The time read 9:49. Wow, I can’t believe I slept the whole night! I got out of bed, threw my long, wavy dark brown hair into a messy bun on the top of my head and dragged myself downstairs. When I get down there I realized why everyone had been talking. Josh and his parents have arrived from England. I ran over to say hello to his parents and then grabbed a cup to make myself some tea.

                “Are you gonna ignore me or should we try this friendship thing one more time?”

I turned around to see Josh with a smirk across his face.  Josh was 18, tall, and extremely fit. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes. I bet he got with any girl he wanted. He is very good looking but I don’t think about him in that way

                “Well unless this next week is going to be extremely awkward, I suggest we try to be friends again.” I never knew why Josh and I didn’t get along, I guess our personalities just clashed but I was definitely willing to give him a second chance.

Ah, my first chapter ever! If you guys have hints of helpful information for my story please comment! Also, don't worry the boys will come into the story soon, just gotta lay down the scene


Introduced by a friend of a friend- Harry Styles love storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora