Chapter 14

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I woke up and realized I wasn’t at home or in a bed. I closed my eyes and maybe thought that my eyes were just blurry since I had just woken up. I reached over to grab my phone but felt something restricting me. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I looked over to see it was Harry. I turned my body to look at him fully.

His curls were everywhere but it was just so cute. His mouth was slightly open and he wasn’t wearing anything besides his boxers. His stomach was hot and his arms were nicely toned. I just kept looking at him.

“You like what you see?” I heard a groggy Harry say. He opened his eyes and they looked amazing in this light. I always wish I had green eyes instead of the boring brown I have. I started blushing since Harry just caught me checking him out.

He stretched out his arms and then rolled closer to me. I decided to cuddle right into his bare chest. I could still smell his cologne. He started playing with my hair, I love it when people do that. He kept taking one piece and twirling it around his finger. This would probably make the ends of my hair curl I little bit but I like it like that.

“Aw, look the lovebirds woke up!” Josh walked into the room wearing his boxers and a big t-shirt. I looked down to try and hide my blush.

“Aw, now she’s blushing!”  Harry started laughing and his breath sent shivers down my spine.Harry kissed my neck, probably leaving a love bite. I heard Josh walk out and Harry kept kissing my neck.

“Harry stop it, I’m hungry!” I rolled away from him and got up to get some breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and Josh turned around.

“So, did you guys get crazy last night after I went to bed?”

“NO! Josh we didn’t do anything I swear!” I started blushing again, Harry would never want to do anything with me. He is the Harry Styles, and I’m just, well me.

“Haha, I believe you. Look at you blushing again!” I kept looking at the floor, this was so embarrassing.

“I had a feeling you guys would end up together!” Josh picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I was pounding on his back.

“Josh put me down!” I felt myself falling onto the couch. “You could’ve been a little more gentle!”

“Oh I’m sorry princess!” Josh said mocking me. Next thing I knew he was tickling me on both sides.

“Jooosshhhhh, stooopppp it!” I could barely breathe. I was ticklish everywhere!

Harry walked back into the room. “What the hell Josh, I called dibs!”

I pushed Josh off of me and stared at Harry. “I am a person, not an item. What if I don’t want you Harry?” I gave him a little smirk. He jumped on the couch next to me and pulled my body onto him.

“Maybe this will help.” Harry leaned in and kissed me passionately on the lips. We pulled away and his piercing green eyes staring at me. I decided it was time for a little fun.

“Nope, didn’t help.” I got up and started to run away when Harry’s arms wrapped around my waist.

“Cmon, not even a little bit?” He looked straight into my eyes and smiled. His smile was so cute. His dimples were showing.

“I, I, um, I” I started stuttering. His smile grew and he leaned in a pecked my lips.

“That’s what I thought.”

“Don’t let it get to your head Styles.” I smirked looking at him.

“You want to go to dinner together tonight?” Did Harry Styles just ask me on a date?


“Ok, I’ll pick you up around 7. Wear something nice, the restaurant is fancy!” Harry got up and left Josh’s flat. I glanced at my phone. It was already 12:30. I went to say bye to Josh and went back to my house. I didn’t have my car so I just walked. The walk was only about 20 minutes and it wasn’t too hot out. When I got home it was almost 1.

I texted my friends Caroline, Olivia and Anna asking them if they wanted to go to the mall. I wanted to get a really pretty dress for tonight.

I picked them all up in my car and we drove to the mall.

I decided on a plain black top with a high-low skirt. The skirt had a floral pattern with orangey, and teal accents. I also got a pair of wedges, they were only 4 inches so I would still be shorter than Harry by at least 2 inches.

When I got home it was around 4:30. I quickly showered and got ready.

I curled my hair slightly at the ends. I had to admit it looked nice. I kept my minimal makeup on, just a little bit of top eyeliner with mascara and powder foundation. 

Hey guys, sorry its been so long for an update. I'm going to Disney for the next 5 days and won't be able to update but I'll try to write and update when I get back 



Introduced by a friend of a friend- Harry Styles love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon