Chapter 20

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It was around 11:15 at night when I got a text from Harry

From: Harry

Hey wanna get some breakfast with me and the lads in the morning?

Yes! Although I saw them this morning it felt like so much longer than that. I truly love how they are all my best friends

To: Harry

YES, pick me up in the morning

I quickly fell asleep after I sent the message to Harry.

I woke up the next morning around 8:30. I got up and jumped in the shower. Since no one was home, I took this opportunity to have my own concert in the shower. I started belting songs from Taylor Swift’s new album. Then after I went to Ed Sheeran’s album. I got out of the shower and brushed through my hair. I let it dry natural into its waves and started on my makeup.  I put on my top eyeliner and mascara and went to get dressed. I decided on my blue jeans, a cream knit top with my grey toms. I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Liam.

 From: Liam

Hey love, want me to pick you up in about 15?

To: Liam

I think Harry is giving me a ride, but thank you

From: Liam

He told me he had to pick someone else up first :/

To: Liam

I’ll take that ride now!

That’s weird. Harry told me he would drive me just last night. Oh well. I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. I heard someone pull up and ran out to Liam’s car.

The ride to the restaurant was quiet, but not awkward. We were going to a little place called Chat Nior. It was so cute and delicious!

We got there and walked over to the table where the lads were sitting. I greeted each of them with a hug. I got over to Harry and realized that he was sitting next to a skinny blonde girl. She was gorgeous and looked very exotic. His arm was around her. I felt like breaking down and crying right there, but I couldn’t. In Harry’s defense, we weren’t anything besides friends. We only went on one date but that was it.

“Hey Harry” I said feeling really awkward. “Hey Rachel, this is Anastasia. My girlfriend.” I hugged Harry and tried to hide my expression in his shoulder. The guys standing behind him could clearly tell I was upset. I made contact with Louis first. His face looked enraged like he was about to punch someone. Zayn and Liam had similar expressions to him. I looked towards Niall and his face just looked guilty and upset. He mouthed something to me. “I’m sorry.” I couldn’t respond. I was worried if I tried to open my mouth the tears would just spill out.

We sat down. I sat inbetween Louis and Niall. Next to Niall was Zayn and across was Harry and Anastasia and then Liam. Poor Liam, having to sit so close to that girl, ugh. I can never get a guy!

I had calmed down and was able to get into the conversation without having to try to control the tears. We were talking about athletes and the Olympics that had just passed. “Michael Phelps is so yummy!” I couldn’t help it, he was just so delicious haha. Anastasia shot me a dirty look, “You honestly think he would ever give you the time of day sweetheart? Just look at you I bet you couldn’t even get with Niall!” That was it I was done with her. Not only did she insult me but she insulted Niall, the sweetest guy on the planet. And lets face it, he was gorgeous! I got up and walked away. I went outside and then remembered I didn’t drive here.

I walked back in to ask one of the guys to drive me home when I overheard Harry and Anastasia talking. “Why would you do that?” Harry looked at her mad and upset at the same time. “Why do you care about her, it’s not like she’s pretty anyway!” What hurt the most was not the fact that Anastasia was saying these things about me but that Harry didn’t do anything to defend me, just looked down at his hands. I turned around and bumped into Niall.

“Cmon love, lets go.” Niall drove me home and offered to chill with me but I decided I would be fine. I just wanted to go to bed and forget all about today. First I needed someone to cheer me up. I called my best friend Jade and asked her to come over. She could always make me feel better even when I was in the worst mood.

Fifteen minutes later there was a knock at the door. It was Jade. I opened the door and let her in. She had 3 bags filled with candy, ice cream and basically any junk food. After she put them down, I fell into her arms. “Cmon Rachel, lets pig out and forget about that gross girl!” We sat down on the couch and watched movies together. We switched back and forth between romance and comedies to lighten the mood every once in a while. We fell asleep leaning on each other.

hey guys, sorry i've been gone for awhile. School started back up and so did dance. Love you guys 



Introduced by a friend of a friend- Harry Styles love storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن