Chapter 8

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Josh led me over to a table with 5 very fit guys sitting at it. They all said their hello’s to each of us as we sat down.

Josh was on my left, on my right was a guy with straight hair and seemed very outgoing. Next to him was a guy with wavy/curly hair and seemed very reserved and sweet. On Josh’s left was a blonde guy and next to him was a tan guy with jet black hair. And across from me was a guy with gorgeous brown, curly hair and breathtaking green eyes.

I started to identify them with their names from what Olivia and Caroline have been telling me.

The blonde one was Niall.

The crazy one was Louis.

The tan one was Zayn.

The one next to Louis was Liam.

But I was blanking on the curly’s name. I should know this. Why can’t I remember it? I looked up and saw everyone’s eyes were fixed on me.

“I’m sorry, what?” This is so embarrassing, they’ll never like me now.

“We wanted to get to know you better so tell us about yourself, I am Liam by the way.” He gave me a reassuring smile which truly helped.

I could do this, just don’t say anything too embarrassing.

“Oh well, I’m Rachel. I am 17 years old. I love to dance. My favorite color is orange. I am normally really funny except for when I’m nervous.” I decided to stop there, I figured this was enough embarrassment for myself.

“Well, why are you nervous?” The one who I assumed was Niall said. He was definitely Niall since I recognized his Irish accent.

“Oh I don’t know, I’m just meeting 5 really hot guys who just happen to be in one of the world’s biggest boy bands…I have no clue why I’m nervous.” I chuckled a little

“Come on we don’t bite! I’m Louis and I love carrots!” I could imagine us getting along well.

“Hey Louis!” He leaned over and gave me a side hug. It was kind of awkward but I liked it.

The waiter came over and took our orders. We all started talking about each other and our years in high school and things like that.

I couldn’t help but notice the curly one staring at me. When I would look over and catch his glance, he would quickly look away. Every time he would do this it would send butterflies through my body.

I was listening to a story Niall was telling when I felt my phone vibrate.

I looked down to see a new message from Josh

His name is Harry, seems like you guys have something going on ;)

Ah, bless you Josh. Rather than replying I just looked over and Josh and mouthed thank you. He laughed at me and started typing on his phone. I looked down and was waiting for a message from him and then relized he wasn’t texting me. Maybe it was just taking some time to go through.  My phone vibrated. It was from an unknown number

Hey, it’s Louis

I looked to my right and smiled

To: Louis


I sent it and went back to listening to a story that Niall was still telling. I was completely lost. My phone vibrated again

From: Louis

I see you and Hazza have something!! ;)

I blushed immediately. Harry was just so fit, I had no clue why he would be looking at me. I looked up and saw him looking at me again. I met his gaze, except this time, he didn’t look away. We were looking deep into each other’s eyes.

Neither of us looked away until I felt someone grabbing my arm.

“What?” I asked very confused because I was clearly not listening

“I have to get home, so we have to cut out early.”  I was upset by this. I haven’t even said one word to Harry yet.

“I can give her a ride home.” I looked over and realized that Harry had volunteered.

“Oh ok, thanks man.” Josh walked out and I smiled at Harry.

As we all finished eating, everyone got up and walked out.

I followed Harry over to his car and got in the passenger seat.

“Thanks for driving me home, you really didn’t have to offer.” I said looking at him. I could only imagine how out of the way my house was.

“It’s no problem, I wanted to get to know you better.” Harry gave me a smile. His dimples were adorable and he seemed really nice.

“Eh, I’m not that interesting.” I said looking down towards my hands.

We were stopped at a red light so Harry turned to look at me.

“And why would you say that?” His eyes looked concerned.

“I don’t know, haha your life seems much more interesting.” I mean it was true. I am just some random girl from a small town. Meanwhile he is in the world’s biggest boy band. He is Harry freaking Styles for crying out loud.

“Eh, not really.”

We pulled up to my house and I took my seatbelt off. I looked at Harry about to thank him when he started leaning in.

I thought to myself this is it. But then he opened his eyes and awkwardly hugged me. Why didn’t he want to kiss me?

I thanked him again and got out of the car.


I turned around to see Harry looking at me

“I never got your number, you know so we can meet up some time." I couldn’t see his face but his voice sounded nervous. It was probably just because it was dark. Why would he be nervous talking to a girl like me.

“Oh right, here put your number in!”

I handed him my phone and I took his. I quickly typed in my number and saved my name as Rachel <3

“Great, thanks!” Harry smiled. His smile made me melt. I handed him his phone back and went inside.

I locked the door behind me and walked up to my room

I quickly took off my shoes and changed into pajamas. I threw on an old t-shirt and running shorts. I went into the bathroom and took of my makeup and put my hair into a messy bun.

I looked down at my phone and I had 2 texts. One from Josh and one from Louis

From: Josh

Hey, did you and Harry do anything?

From: Louis

Harry is pissed, did you guys get into a fight or something?

I responded to Josh right away

To: Josh

Nope, just an awkward hug.

But why would Harry be mad. I wasn’t that boring to be with, was i?

To: Louis

I don’t know, I thought everything went well. We didn’t do anything just talked.

I went over to my bed and fell asleep. I was exhausted even though it was only 11:30. 

Hey sorry if its short and poorly written. I tried. Comment, vote <3


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