Chapter 4

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I woke up and remembered last night. I had so much fun and was really excited that this whole friendship was going to work. I feel like we’ve been friends for so much longer than just a couple of days. He was just so easy to talk to and crack jokes with. I hope he felt the same way and didn’t want to be anything more than friends.

I heard a knock at my door.  Without asking who it was I just responded

“Come in!”

The door opened and Josh entered my room. He was in a t-shirt and sweatpants and his hair was messed up. I could tell he had just woken up.

“Nice pajamas Rachel!” He said with a smirk on his face

I look down and realized that I was wearing gym shorts, a blue sports bra and a spaghetti strap tank top. I will admit my shorts were rather short and that my tank top didn’t cover everything but it wasn’t bad. My hair was in a messy bun and I had no makeup on.

“Thanks, you look great in the morning also” I said. He smiled at me and then looked up

“Last night was a lot of fun, so I wanted to thank you for that”

“I had so much fun Josh, I’m really glad our friendship is working out.” I said with a smile on my face

“That reminds me, I don’t have your number. You know, so we can text when you leave. I really want to stay in touch and remain friends. Not just a quick fling, ya know?”

“Yeah definitely” I took his phone and started putting in my number. I was happy that he wanted to remain friends. I could feel that this friendship will go places. Not necessarily romance, but more like a brother and sister relationship.

We exchanged phones back and went downstairs for breakfast.

We walked into the kitchen to see Jon drinking a cup of coffee. I walked over to the cabinet and started making myself tea.

“Josh do you want tea”

“Yes please”

I turned around and grabbed two tea bags. I filled the kettle and turned on the stove

Jon had a smirk on his face and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

“So how was last night?”

“It was great, we are becoming great friends and had a really good time.” Josh answered for both of us and I just nodded. I felt a blush coming on my face. I wasn’t blushing because I like him like that but just because I was always easily embarrassed.

I heard the kettle go off and poured the water into two cups and handed one to Josh. We sat there, all three of us just sipping our drinks until Jon broke the silence.

“Oh ok, that’s great. So what should we do today?”

“Why don’t we go in the pool?” I thought because it was really hot, and I love swimming

“That’s a great idea, I’m going to get my suit on!” Jon said and left the room, Josh did the same.

I put my cup in the sink and went upstairs. I looked to the suitcase to find my bathing suits. I decided on the strapless, orange top and plain, black bottoms. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I then brushed my hair and left it down. I passed on putting on makeup because it would just run down my face in the pool. I would look like a mess.

I walked down stairs and grabbed a towel from the closet. I walked outside to see Josh and the adults outside.

“Goodmorning Rachel!” All the adults said enthusiastically

“Goodmorning!” I replied, setting down my towel and phone on the table and walking towards the pool. I dipped in my toes and realized that it was very cold. I didn’t want to go in so I walked back to the table and checked my phone.

I had three texts from Olivia and Caroline in our group message. I decided to reply later and set down my phone as a felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around me.

Before I could react I was thrown over someones shoulder. I then realized that it was Josh. But why was he doing this.

“Josh, put me down” I whined while pounding on his back.

“Fine!” Then he threw me in the pool. I went down and then immediately sprung back to the surface. I turned to see Josh laughing at me. I put my arms on the side and lifted myself out of the pool. I ran over towards Josh not quite sure of what I was going to do. I could probably lift him. I was extremely muscular from dance even if I didn’t quite look it. I finally cornered him at lifted him up.

“What!” Josh yelled seeming extremely shocked

“What you thought I was just all bones? I have muscle!” I ran over to the edge of the pool and tossed him in. He had the same reaction I did. It was basically the same situation as before just we switched positions.

“Wow, you are strong Rachel! Will you at least come in with me?” Josh asked and gave his best puppy dog face.

“Sure!” I jumped into the pool and dunked my head. My wavy hair became at least 2 inches longer since the waves had straightened out.

For the next couple of hours Josh and I just hung out and had a great time. We took a lot of fun pictures together making the strangest faces. I sent one of them to Caroline and Olivia.

I instantly got replies of them freaking out. I had totally forgot to tell them about Josh and us being friends. Their messages consisted of…

Is that One Direction’s drummer?

Is that Josh Devine?

Where did you meet him?

Are you guys friends?

I chuckled at their surprised reactions. They are ultimate fans of One Direction. That’s why I knew about them. The girls talk about them non-stop so I eventually picked some random facts.

I explained the whole thing to them about how Josh and I became friends and we are really close.


I can’t believe Rachel’s friends are big fans. They even knew who I was by just seeing one picture of me. Most people don’t know who I am, they just focus on the five guys. But I normally don’t let it get to me because I love the guys to death, in a not gay way.

Today was really fun and I can’t believe Rachel leaves tomorrow. I hope we remain really close.

I keep thinking about how well she would get along with all the guys. Maybe they can meet one day. That would be great! They will love her sense of humor and personality.

I was yanked out of my thoughts when I felt Rachel poke me.

“Uh, sorry what did you say?” I said trying to cover up that I hadn’t been listening

“It’s ok, you were zoned out. But what do you want for lunch?” She replied with a smile

“Anything’s fine, but a sandwhich sound really good!”

“That sounds great, lets go make some!”

We both got up and went inside.

We had lunch with the adults and Jon. All of us just hung around and talked about random topics including school, family, politics ect. I wasn’t really paying attention and I could tell Rachel was doing the same.

Rachel got up and went to shower. It was already 4:30. Wow, today went really fast. Since we had a very late lunch around 3:15 I can imagine that there wouldn’t be much of a dinner tonight. This made me annoyed but I guess I could just make something in the kitchen. I am a growing boy, I need my food!

I snapped out of my thoughts and excused myself upstairs. I opened my laptop and went on Facebook. I had one friend request from Rachel Thime. I quickly accepted and checked my notifications. It was mostly just very dedicated fans commenting on a picture of me and one of the boys.

I decided to lie down and take a quick nap. I fell asleep rather quickly because I was very tired. I let sleep to take over my thoughts and drifted off into oblivion

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