Chapter 18

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I woke up around 9:30 the next morning. I never really slept that late so this was sleeping in for me. I got up and went into the bathroom to wash my face to wake me up.

I never had terrible acne but I would break out from time to time. I washed my face and then took my hair out of the messy bun. It fell straight into the part over my right eye without me touching it. It had sort of curled itself a little and the bottoms and wasn’t even frizzy. This was a shock to me.

I went downstairs wearing my shorts and tank top with my neon sports bra under it. I walked into the kitchen and looked for something to have for breakfast. I decided on cereal. I poured myself a bowl of frosted flakes and milk and sat down at the island.

I grabbed my Iphone and pressed play. It was too quiet without anyone else in the house. The shuffle landed on One Direction’s album. I loved their music and started singing along to “Everything About You”

As the song ended I realized that I had 3 messages, all from Louis.

From: Louis

I wanna come over

From: Louis


From: Louis

I’m on my way over with the guys you better be awake

His last message was sent five minutes ago, he should be here soon but I’ll respond anyway

To: Louis


I finished my Frosted Flakes and put the bowl in the dish washer.  The doorbell rang so I went to answer it.

There was Louis. Niall, Harry and Zayn.

“RACHEL!!” Louis screamed and grabbed me into a bone-crushing hug.  “Can’t breathe!” He finally eased up and we walked inside.

The guys all sat down on the couch. “Good Morning!” I said, I wasn’t really sure why they wanted to see me so badly. “I like you’re pj’s” Niall winked and all the guys laughed.  There was an awkward silence. As soon as I was about to break the silence, Niall and Harry ran up to me and Harry threw me over his shoulder.

“HARRY PUT ME DOWN!” I started playfully punching his back. He still wouldn’t let go.

Finally I felt myself being thrown down onto the couch. “It’s about time!” I sighed and started to sit up when Niall ran up and threw me over his shoulder.

“Really Niall? Really?” I had no clue where this crazy Irish boy was taking me. I eventually just gave up and finally he put me down on my bed. He ran over and closed my door.

He looked at me worried, “No lock?” I didn’t have a lock on my door. The only doors in my house with locks were bathrooms and the outside doors.

“Nope, sorry.” Niall was running his fingers though his hair. He seemed nervous.

“Listen Rachel, I want to tell you before you get hurt but I overheard and Management wants Harry to-“ “WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?” Harry ran into the room and sat down on the bed.

“Talking about you!” I stuck my tongue out at him and smiled. “That’s not nice!” I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. “Sorry Harry” I got up and was about to go downstairs when Liam came into the room.

“Hey guys, Paul just called and they need us to go have a meeting.”

Harry looked confused, “Really, with who?” Liam looked down at his phone, “I’m not sure but it sounded pretty important. Let’s go, don’t want to be late.” They guys got up and I hugged each of them goodbye.

I went back up to my room and went on my computer. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Niall was about to tell me. Is that what their meeting was about? Why would I get hurt? I was so confused. I decided to stop over thinking it and just text him later.

Hey guys, sorry i haven't updated in awhile. School just started and it sucks :/ but oh well


-Phoebe <3

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