Chapter 19

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I wish I could have told Rachel, if only Harry didn’t come in. While Liam was recording his solo at the studio I went to go get something to eat. Louis was on the phone with Eleanor and Zayn was probably fixing his hair somewhere.

I got up and started walking down the hall to the vending machine when I heard the familiar voices of our management team.

“It will look very good for publicity!” Who where they talking to? I forgot about my hunger and crept over to the door that was open just enough for me to peak and not be seen. 

Harry was seated at the table with the rest of the team. “I’ve had my eye on this other girl, can’t I just bring her into the public eye?” He pleaded, his face looked upset and angry.  A lady stood up and walked over to Harry. “Sweetheart, it’s already been decided. She is a pretty model from Russia. We need more publicity in Asia and this will help a lot! She’s really sweet!” Harry’s head dropped and then looked up. “But, I don’t want to lie to our fans, it’s not right!” His eyes had a glint of hope in them as he looked up to the lady. “Maybe you’ll learn to love her , it can work itself into something more!”

 Finally a man from the end of the table stood up and walked over. I recognized this man, he was very important. He was like only one step down from Simon Cowell himself! He only came to the very important meetings. “Harry it has been decided, you will date Anastasia. She’s flying into London next week so that is when it will all start. We advise that you don’t tell the guys, we want even them to believe it. And forget about the other girl.”

Harry’s head fell into his hands again and his back started moving up and down really quickly, I assumed he was crying. This must mean he really likes Rachel, poor lad. I wonder if he will go against management and tell us anyway. I will admit sometimes I get very annoyed at management for having us delete tweets, change our hair and stuff like that but they have provided me with the opportunity to live my dream, and I can never pay them back for that.

I still can’t believe they are making Harry fake date a girl for publicity. I don’t know whether I should tell the guys or… RACHEL! She’s so innocent and this will kill her on the inside to think that Harry was just having a quick fling with her. I must warn her! I will tell her tomorrow! I have to!

HARRY’S POV (the day before)

I can’t believe I have to date this Anastasia girl! Ugh, I finally found a girl who I really like and want to be my girlfriend! I’m so pissed off I could punch someone. Breathe Harry, Breath, stay calm. I walked out of the studio and walked down the street towards my flat. I didn’t even care if the fans saw me upset. I really like Rachel.

I kept replaying what that guy said to me, “And forget about the other girl.” Rachel is not the other girl, she is the girl! I got a message from Paul

From: Paul

Here is a pic of her.

Attached was a picture of Anastasia, she had a very exotic look to her. She was pretty, just not for me. I liked Rachel. She was beautiful, not like a model, but naturally beautiful. She didn’t need makeup. Her natural beauty was more than enough!

I finally got to my flat that I shared with Louis, he should be home soon. I can’t let him know that I’m mad, that will give away the cover. I calmed down and logged onto twitter. I read through my timeline, I responded to some of the fans. One tweet caught my eye.

@1dmarryme_ “Who is this girl? You guys are adorable xx”

Attached was a picture of me and Rachel on our date. She looked beautiful. RACHEL. How do I break it off with her? I can’t just act like it didn’t mean anything to me, but she can’t know about Anastasia being a publicity thing. Why didn’t I just ask her out when I could have, when I had the chance! I grunted, I was just so angry!

“What’s wrong?” I looked up. I didn’t even hear Louis come in. I have to make this relationship thing sound real.

“Oh nothing, just trying to get a girl to fly to London to see me.” I tried playing it cool, this is killing me on the inside. “A girl? What about Rachel? I told you to be careful, Harry you can’t just blow her off like this! You said she was different and that you wouldn’t hurt her. Are you kidding me Harry?” I have never seen Louis that mad before. 

“Louis, you just don’t understand. Rachel wasn’t even that into me. It was nothing serious, we only went on like one date.” If only Louis knew what I was going through right now.

“Whatever Harry, I’m sleeping somewhere else tonight.” He walked out of the flat and slammed the door. I just wish he understood how hard this is for me. I looked at the clock, by now it was 10:30. I just wanted all of this to go away.

I fell asleep thinking about Rachel, and how beautiful she is and how much I like her.

Don't hate me!!! Please tell me ideas people, if anyone reads this....anyways love you guys. 


-Phoebe <3

Introduced by a friend of a friend- Harry Styles love storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin