Chapter 16

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I got dressed into my high-low skirt and wedges. I had my hair straight and then I curled it at the ends. It took me forever, but I was definitely happy with how it looked. I wore more makeup than I usually do. I had put on concealer, foundation, mascara, top eyeliner and blush. It sounds like a lot more than it actually is, but I just wanted to look good.

I had a feeling that Harry would show up and then realize that he could do so much better than me and leave. I knew he was too sweet to that, but I was just so nervous.

I heard my phone vibrate and I walked over to my bed to check it.

From: Harry

Leaving now, if that’s ok. I could wait till you’re ready if you need!

He was so cute. I feel like guys are always late to dates and get annoyed when the girl isn't ready within the minute they get there. But yet again, I guess that was just a stereotype.

I quickly responded to Harry.

To: Harry

That’s fine! I’m all ready to go xx

From: Harry

Coming now! Sorry to keep you waiting!

He was too cute. So thoughtful. I could tell this was going to be a really cute date. I walked downstairs and grabbed my keys. I wasn’t driving but still needed my house key. My Mom was away on a business trip again and my dad had a late meeting and would most likely spend the night in the city and the apartment.

My family has a nice apartment on the north side of the city. It has a great view and my parents use it when they have late night meetings or dinners. I haven’t stayed there in a while since I’m old enough to stay in the house by myself but when I was younger I loved it there.

I felt my phone vibrate and ripped me out of my thoughts.

From: Harry


I ran up to the door and locked it behind me. There was Harry. He looked really good. He had on tan khakis (or chinos, I think. I’m American so I don’t know the slang) and a navy polo. His hair was in its usual, yet perfect mess and he was smiling, showing off his dimples.

He got out of the car and ran over to me. “Hey! You look…wow.” I looked down at the ground trying to hide the blush on my cheeks. “Beautiful” Harry lifted up my chin so we were looking straight into each other’s eyes.

He turned and opened the door for me. I got in and put on my belt. He ran over to his side and put his belt on and started the car. I turned on the radio and Taylor Swift’s We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together came on. Harry started humming along. Since he knew the song I figured I might as well sing it.

We are never ever ever ever getting back together

We are never ever ever ever getting back together

You go talk to your friends talk

And my friends talk to me

But we are never ever ever ever getting back together

I used to think, that we, were forever ever ever

And I used to say never say never

I started laughing when the part came when Taylor would talk. Something about it just made me laugh. I looked over and Harry was also laughing.

“What are you laughing at Styles?” He pulled up at a red light and turned to me.

“Oh nothing, you are just really cute when you sing.” I started blushing again. He probably thinks I’m a freak. I didn’t know how to respond.

“We’re here!” Harry said turning off the car and running over to get my door.

“I can open it myself. You don’t have to do that.” I said smiling at him. It was absolutely adorable but I don’t want to be one of those girls that always makes him do everything and act like a total gentleman. Of course it was flattering and cute but I want him to be able to be himself around me.

“But I want to!” He flashed his cheeky smile, it always sent butterflies through my whole body.

I got out of the car and we walked over to the restaurant. It was a very fancy and high-end sushi place.

We walked in and Harry went up to the desk.

“Hi, reservation for two under Styles.”

 The lady looked down and her paper and wrote something down. “Right this way.” Harry and I followed. We had a booth in a secluded corner of the restaurant. I picked up the menu and started looking it over.

“What are you having?” I asked Harry. I didn’t know he ate sushi, and wasn’t sure what to get.

“I think the Dragon Roll looks pretty good, you?”

“I was looking at the same thing!” I wondered why they called it the dragon roll, there obviously wasn’t any dragon in it but, oh well.

We both ordered and waited for our food.


I was so nervous. I didn’t want to mess this date up. Not only do I have the guys pressuring me to get it right but I really like Rachel. I feel like whenever I see her all my charm leaves and I’m just a dumb guy who can barely put together a sentence.

Our food came and we both started eating. Once we finished there was sort of an awkward silence. I guess neither of us knew what to talk about.

“How’s life been?” It was the first thing that came to mind.

“Actually really good. I’ve been a lot happier since I’ve met you guys.” Guys, plural. Not just me. But I was still part of that group. So I guess she is happy she met me, that’s good.

“Really? Well, my life has been different.” She had a questioning look on her face. Maybe this is when I tell her how I’m falling for her, hard. And how I want her to be my girlfriend.

“How so? Bad different? Because of me? I’m sorry, you didn’t have to take me out.” She looked down and her eyes look hurt.

“NO, not at all, good different. You are a great friend, I’m really happy I met you Rachel.” I gave her a smile. But I messed up terribly. Friend. That one word, I should have told her how I really felt. Damn it Harry.

I got the check and walked back to the car with Rachel.

She seemed fine so hopefully she didn’t notice my slip. We drove back to her house just listening to the radio and singing along.

We pulled up to her house and I grabbed the door. I opened it and she got out.

“Thank you for tonight” She said smiling. She had the best smile.

“The pleasure was all mine.” I took her in for a hug. She gave the best hugs, they were safe and calming. I wish I could keep her in my arms forever. Just freeze in this moment. But there is only one thing that could make this moment better. If I could lean in and kiss her.

I know we’ve kissed before, but I just wanted her to be mine. I didn’t want to do anything wrong with her, I really like her. It’s not even about what the guys say, I just want there to be an us, a couple. But I can’t rush her into that. She probably doesn’t even think of me as anything more than a friend.

She leaned back and left my arms. She smiled and walked into her house and closed her door.

I hope she truly had a good time tonight.

Even though no one actually reads this story, i am having tons of fun writing it <3 please comment/vote/fan. comment your own stories, i def need some new ones to read. 

Love you all


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