Chapter 7

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I woke around 10:30 and rolled over to check my phone. I had one message from Josh

From: Josh

Hey just got home, see you tomorrow

I told him to text me and he did, even though he knew I wouldn’t answer. The past few days had been very boring since most of my friends are busy and I missed Josh. I was really excited to meet the other guys. I hoped they like me. I knew some things about each of them from my friends but not much.

I knew one was Irish, one was totally crazy, one gets with girls all the time, one is dating a dancer, and one has great hair.

But that was mostly it. I have their album on my computer and listen to it from time to time, but not religiously like my friends.

I wonder what time we are going to meet up. I’ll text Josh and see if he’s awake

To: Josh


I wasn’t sure if he would answer, so I got up and started brushing my teeth when my phone vibrated. I walked over to my bed and got my phone. He was awake and responded

From: Josh

Hey, whatcha doing

To: Josh

Nothing, I just woke up. Are we still hanging with the guys later???

From: Josh

Yeah, we are going to meet at a restaurant around 6, I’ll pick you up at like 5:30

To: Josh

Thanks, is it fancy? What should I wear?

From: Josh

Anything, they’ll like you either way J

To: Josh

Aww thanks, miss you xx

From: Josh

Miss you too, see you later I have to go to the gym

I felt relieved when Josh said that he missed me. I was worried that I could come off as an obsessed fan. My thoughts were interrupted when my stomach started to grumble. I figured now was a good time for breakfast.

I walked downstairs and opened the fridge. There wasn’t much since we have only been home 2 days.

I went to the freezer and got out two frozen waffles. I could easily cook myself a fancier breakfast, but these would do just fine. I got out the toaster and slipped the waffles in. I went to my phone and turned on my Pandora. It automatically started playing my Ed Sheeran station. His song The A Team came on.

Both my parents were at work and Brendan (my older brother) was doing research this summer so he wasn’t home. Since I was home alone, I figured it would be alright to sing. I started singing and by the chorus I was full on belting

And they say

She’s in the class A team

Stuck in her daydream

Been this way since 18

but lately

Her face seems

Introduced by a friend of a friend- Harry Styles love storyWhere stories live. Discover now