Chapter 11

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I got into my car and drove home. My stomach still buzzing with butterflies and my cheek tingling ever since Harry kissed it. Does this mean he likes me back? The guys told me to meet them there but then Harry said he would pick me up. I am so confused as to where we stood.

I got home and let myself into the house. I locked the door behind me. I heard someone in the kitchen. It was my mom. “Hey Mom” She looked up from the stove. “Hey sweetheart, what are you doing tonight?” I hadn’t seen much of my mom since we got home from New York. She had been very busy with work, but I was old enough to care for myself. “I was planning on going out with Josh and his friends. Is that alright?” I hoped she didn’t mind me going out. “That’s fine, just don’t make any stupid mistakes!” She chuckled to herself. “Thanks mom, and I won’t!” I ran upstairs to get ready.

I got into the shower and washed my hair. When I got out of the shower I dried my hair with my towel and waited for the rest of it to dry. I decided to do something special rather than just leave in natural. When it dried, I plugged in my curling iron and waited for it to heat up. I starting curling my hair, mostly at the ends. It took me about half an hour to finish but I was happy with how it looked. I started on my makeup. I put on more than I usually did but it was still much less than most girls wear. I put on foundation to even out my skin tone and then some bronzer to add a little glow. I put on my eyeliner and made it a little more dramatic and added wings. I curled my lashed and put on my mascara.

It was now 6:15 and Harry said he would pick me up at 7. I just had to decide what to wear. It was a club so I had to dress to impress, mostly for Harry.  I walked over to my wardrobe and took out countless dresses.

I decided on a tight black dress. It was short, but covered my bum. It had triangular cutouts on both sides near my ribs. I put on my black heels and grabbed some essentials and put them in a clutch.

I heard my phone vibrate and ran to my bed to get it.

From: Harry

I’m here

I quickly grabbed my phone and clutch and ran out of the house. I walked towards Harry’s car and he smiled. I watch his eyes as he checked me out. I could’ve sworn he looked me over at least five times. I blushed and opened the door and got in.

“You look hot!” Harry smiled at me and I blushed again.

“You look good yourself, Styles” He looked at the road and pulled away from the curb. We started driving and I turned on the radio. There weren’t any good songs to sing along to so we kind of sat in silence.

After about a 15 minute car ride, we pulled into a parking lot and got out of the car.

“Here, we called ahead so we can go in the back entrance.” Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and lead me to the door.

“Harry Styles.” He said to a big man at the door holding a clipboard with a name list on it.

“Have fun” He stepped aside and let us in. The club was loud and seemed like a lot of fun.

“I’m going to get a drink, do you want anything?” I shook my head, I was only 17 so I wasn’t legally allowed to drink and I never saw the point since it tasted so gross.

I walked over to see Josh talking to Niall. “Hey guys” They both looked me up and down. “Damn you look hot Rachel!” Niall winked at me and walked away. I blushed. “Harry’s gonna like that you know.” Josh looked at me. “What do you mean?” I was really confused, Harry already saw me and had the same reaction as the rest of the guys, nothing special. “You are so blind, he obviously likes you.” I was shocked, the Harry Styles, international celebrity, could have any girl he wants, likes me. “Haha, I doubt that Josh.” “Whatever you say Rachel…” Josh walked away and started talking to a girl. I wonder if she was someone he knew or just some random girl, I would ask him later.

“Wanna dance?” I turned around and I saw Harry. His breath smelled of beer and vodka. I can imagine he had shots and at least 3 beers already, but he didn’t seem drunk. “Sure!” We went to the dance floor where all the girls were giving themselves away to guys like they had no morals.

Harry grabbed my hips and started swaying them side to side. I turned around and put my arms around his neck, his hands still locked on my hips. We danced like this for a couple of songs but then he pulled me aside off the dance floor. We sat down at a table. “Are you having fun?” He asked me. “Yeah, tons!” I answered. “Do you ever drink?” “Well, I’m only 17 and I don’t see the need when I have enough fun without it.” His faced look confused, he then nodded. “I’ll be right back, I have to use the loo.” Harry got up and walked towards the bathroom. I started checking my phone. I looked at twitter, nothing really special. Luckily, their fans didn’t really know about me, so my twitter wasn’t flooded with hate, yet.

I looked over to the bathroom looking for Harry. I was expecting to see him walking out of the men’s room but instead I saw him hooking up with another girl. She was tall and blonde and had a nice body. I can’t believe him, he could have at least told me I was boring him and he was going somewhere else. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I knew we weren’t anything yet but Josh just told me how Harry likes me. This is it. I got up and ran out of the club crying.

“Rachel, where are you going?” I felt someone tug at my arm. I turned around to face Liam. “Love, why are you crying?” He guided me out of the club and into his car. Liam doesn’t drink because he only has one kidney and doesn’t see the need like me. Once the doors were closed we drove back to his flat to talk in private. I cried the whole way, but calmed down a lot.

When we were at his flat the tears had stopped. We went inside and sat on the couch.

“So what happened?” I knew Liam wouldn’t judge me so I decided to tell him. “Well we were dancing and then Harry brought me over to a table and we were talking. He told me he had to go to the bathroom and got up. I looked over to see him hooking up with a random blonde girl. But I overreacted, we aren’t anything, just friends. I guess I was just jealous that he couldn’t just tell me I was boring him.” Liam looked at me and nodded. “Or you were jealous because he was snogging another girl and not you.” “How did you know I like him?” “It’s obvious, ever since we watched that movie together I had a feeling you guys would have something.” I remembered that day, it was great. I got to snuggle with Harry. “Really? But I don’t know why I got so upset. I guess maybe it was because Josh told me that he liked me so I got my hopes up.”  I looked down at my hands not wanting to make eye contact. Liam lifted my chin so I was looking at him, “Harry is crazy about you. Don’t let this one incident change your view of him. We don’t even know if he asked her or if she just jumped on him.” “Really? I guess I should hear his side of the story. Thanks Liam, you’re the best.” I hugged Liam and he kissed my cheek

My phone started vibrating, it was Josh calling me. “Answer it” Liam said, I got up and walked into another room and Liam turned on the tv.

“Hello?” “Rachel, where are you?” He seemed worried. “I’m at Liam’s.” I heard Josh let out a sigh of relief. “She’s with Liam she’s alright.” He was talking to someone he was with. In the background I heard, “She is, thank god. She probably hates me.” Whoever it was seemed really upset and was stuttering. “Josh, who are you with?” “Harry, he’s upset because he’s assuming that you saw him with the blonde.” This time I sighed. “I did, but I want to talk to him, is he sober?” “Yeah, you can come over my house, call your parents and you can stay in the guest room since its late.” “I’ll be over soon.” I hung up and went to talk to Liam.

He looked at me when I walked back into the room. “Are you going to talk to Harry?” He looked at me. “Yeah, how did you know that?” He chuckled, “I’ve been texting Josh, here I’ll drive you.” We walked out of Liam’s flat and into his car again. The ride was less than five minutes. I gave Liam a kiss on the cheek and got out. “Thanks Liam, you’re the best!” I closed the door and walked up to Josh’s flat. I had texted my parents earlier and they were fine with me staying at Josh’s, they knew we weren’t romantically involved. I knocked on the door and Josh answered. I walked in and took off my heels, it took a good four inches of my height. “He’s in the spare bedroom.” He went and sat back down on the couch and I walked towards the door. 

Introduced by a friend of a friend- Harry Styles love storyWhere stories live. Discover now