Chapter 2

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Why don’t we all go out for breakfast?” Jon addressed everyone in the room

“That sounds great me and Greg are rather hungry” Josh’s Mom (Lisa) replied

Josh looked over at me and winked, I didn’t know what to think about this. I’m assuming he read my mind by the look of shock that must have been on my face and he chuckled.

“Well I’m exhausted so is it alright if I stay here and take a nap?”

Jon replied “Sure, how about we make it a parents thing so Rachel you can stay too and catch up with Josh”

I wasn’t sure how I felt about this. Would Josh and I actually be able to become friends? I promised to give him a second chance so I guess this is a good start.

   I came out of my thoughts to realize everyone’s eyes were fixed on me, I’m assuming they were waiting for an answer to a question I didn’t hear.

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked, highly confused

“Are you alright with that?” My mom gave me a strange look but I decided to ignore it.

“Oh yeah, that’s fine. I’m going to go shower quickly” I turned towards the stairs and went up to my room.

I unchanged and got into the shower. I love showers. For me they were always a place to unwind and get lost in my thoughts and sing.

Back home, I spend all my free time dancing. I take ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, modern, pointe and everything else I can think of. I always wanted to be a famous dancer one day, maybe like a backup dancer or on a tv show. But what most people didn’t know about me was my love of singing.

I was never really good, but I always felt at ease. When I was younger I would never sing in the shower because one of my siblings would hear me, most of the time my sister. But when they went to school, I started to sing more frequently.

I got into the shower and started singing one of my favorite songs, The Man Who Can’t Be Moved by The Script. As I finished the song, I realized that I had been belting pretty loud and just hoped to god that Josh didn’t hear me.

I got out of the shower and got dressed into jean shorts and a crop top from Urban Outfitters. I put on my normal top eyeliner and mascara and brushed through my hair. I let it dry naturally in its waves.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs to get something to eat since I had been uninvited to breakfast. I opened the fridge and pulled out an apple and started to cut it into slices. I sat down and was eating it when I heard someone come down the stairs.

I turn around to see Josh.

“I didn’t know you liked to sing?”

“What do you mean I don’t sing”

“Oh really, do you listen to the Script by any chance?


“Ok, never mind”

The room fell silent and I didn’t know what to say. I really wanted this friendship to work out between Josh and I.

I finally broke the silence “So, I guess this friendship isn’t off to a good start”

“Yeah well I guess it’s not, let’s start over” Josh gave me a genuine smile.

“I would like that” I replied, returning his smile. Maybe this would actually work.

“Wanna play 20 questions? It would be a good way to get to know each other”

We played for what felt like only 15 minutes but it had actually been 2 hours. I learned so much about Josh and we were actually getting along.

He learned that I love to dance and sing, I have 1 brother and 1 sister, my favorite color is orange, I am a straight a student and that I have a great sense of humor.

I learned that he had one older sister who was 23, he loved to play the drums, his favorite color was yellow, and he was single. Oh and also that he was the drummer for One Direction.

When I heard that, I was kind of in shock. I wasn’t a huge fan of One Direction but I thought their album was good. My friends Caroline, Olivia and Anna were obsessed so I knew enough about them. I knew they would flip out when I told them but I decided to call them later.

“No offense, but I would have expected you to be much more obnoxious. I mean you are practically famous!” I exclaimed

“Eh, not famous. But is that a compliment? Thank you! And I would have expected you to be much more boring for being a straight A student.”

We both chuckled when we heard the door open.

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