Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Even I froze of the shock.

Hunter's abnormally cold hands didn't move, as he too was frozen.

Arnold's regretful gaze was noted by me. Arnold knew Hunter's father. A second flew by, and Hunter pounces off of me and charges towards Arnold a scowl implanted on his face. Hunter pins Deimos' father on the wall, while Gina's terrified sobs were heard. She did nothing to help, but neither did I.

"My father was a bastard, who is he? I'll kill him." Hunter snarls, tears streaming down his stressed face.

Arnold bites his lip, before replying, "Me."

A confused gaze replaces the scowl on his face, before returning into a look of fury. "I'll kill you!" He announced.

"S-stop, please." Gina begs from afar.

Hunter turns to her obviously enraged, she flinches away, while Arnold stood strong. I weakly sat up, a groan lifting from my lips. "H-Hunter, he's changed." I stuttered. His nostrils flared, "No he hasn't, he never will."

I coughed, my eyes burned at the lighting of the room. Still I managed to keep my voice from wavering any further. "Y-you need to stop, H-Hunter." I voiced from my bedside.

"No, I don't think I will."

About a moment later we just stood there, Hunter glaring at Arnold, Gina's soft sobs racking through the air, and my lightheaded stance.

Where was Deimos? That man has bad timing.

Deimos' P.O.V.

I breathe heavily, resting against a tree. Most of us had survived, surprising me to no ends. An entire army against about fifteen of my wolves. Trudging to the pack house, a pack older woman treated my injuries.

"Alpha, you should really rest." She insists.

I growled aloud at her, "I need my mate."

She retreats quickly moving to another wounded soldier. Gripping my wound to stop the bleeding I continue to walk towards Willow.

My mate.

My only wish was that, she would be okay.

Hopefully I wasn't too late.

"Alpha behind you!"

Willow's P.O.V.

I heard a shriek of terror come from the window my instinct was to go to it. Fear struck me yet again, as I hear a scream following the words, "Alpha." My heart jolted, and my body began moving finer than before. I inched closer to the window, as Hunter undistracted by the noise continue to threaten Arnold.

I sneak a glance down the window to see a crowd of people, they were jumbled all together as if shocked to see something. I felt the angst form within me, what happened?

"Now you are going to die, along with that pathetic son of yours. My brother is it? I believe so, his mate will follow shortly after." A glint of evil passes through Hunter's eyes. As I began regaining full consciousness, I charge towards Hunter ripping him away from a paling Arnold.

My wolf lends her strength to me, as I hear her whining voice to go check on her mate. Ignoring her I pick up a lamp beside the bed and slam it into Hunter's head. Landing a major bow across his face, he collapses beneath me. I glanced back at Arnold who was now being held by a thankful Gina.

Arnold laid frozen in Gina's arms, not able to process what had just happened. I rush out the door, ignoring the loud cries from Gina. I was running too fast I had tumbled down the stairs, I didn't have a very good feeling about this. I needed to see Deimos, just one more time.

Just one last time.

Willing myself to continue to run towards the crowd from under the window before, I clench my teeth at what I saw next. Gabriella.

I knew I didn't get a good vibe from her. She had Deimos by his throat, while her pale comrades fended off the angry pack mates. I shove through the heavy crowd, elbowing and kicking way through. Finally arriving at the front, a pale man steps in front of me glaring down.

I squared my shoulders attempting to push him aside, he chuckles shoving me back. Snarling at him, I began to morph into my wolf. Loud gasps were heard as I bit the pale man near the jugular vein. He roars loudly, attracting the attention of both Gabriella and Deimos. Deimos shocked eyes met mine, his frown turning into a full blown smile.

"You're okay." He murmured lowly. Tears start to well up in my wolf eyes, before I return to my threatening stance. The man kept screaming as he gripped his wound, his wounds are healing abnormally fast however. I, too, release a loud howl.

I pawed through the heavily guarded men, biting and scratching.

My wolf wanted her mate. But this time, so did I.

Deimos' P.O.V.

The happiness overwhelmed me, Willow was up and moving. Yet it worried me more now that she was able to fight after awaking from her coma. "Willow, just go! I'll be fine." I shout to her, Gabriella's sharp nails digging into my neck. She had me in a choke hold, but I could easily fend her off. I hear Willow whine, and resisted my command.

Cursing to myself I kept Gabriella occupied knowing how much she wanted Willow dead.

Grabbing her slim wrist I twisted it, her shrill shriek sounded through the almost dead noon. I shove her off, wincing at my injuries that I had gained from Ralph's rogues. I snarled at the she-witch. Most of my pack members had already shifted, while some aided the wounded.

It was war.

Who would win, I suppose it's just a matter of luck now.

* * * * *
Yay? Or Nay? Next chapter is epilogue, I'm sorry it had to end this short! :( Forgive me.

-Margareth Valley

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