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You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.

-Pride and Prejudice


Third Person

Willow grasped Deimos' hands, as she gasped. Deimos panicked, holding down the bloody wound, while blood gashed everywhere. Gabriella was no where to be seen, she called off her coven as they dispersed into the night.

The sky no longer burned an amber color, now filled of midnight blue. Willow sweatily smiles at Deimos, "We won." She whispered, he shakes his head.

"All I'm happy about is that you are safe." He mumbled sniffing into her bare neck.

No longer were they clothed, no longer were their pack clothed. Shredded remains of the clothing were newly founded on the floor as everybody limped to the safety of the pack house. Willow's cold body was pressed against Deimos' warmth.

Willow felt as if her very soul was slipping away, she pressed her hand atop of Deimos', smiling reassuringly. "I think.." She trails, gazing to the full moon. "Never mind." Willow concluded it was not the time to be professing her love to him.

Deimos' strange stare was brushed away as he lifted her petite body in his arm carrying her into the pack house. Willow still feeling her mind slipping away. But before she did, she hears a whisper from her mate.

"You know, Willow. I think... I think we're safe now."

2 Years Later...

Deimos rests the bouquet of flowers near Willow's monitor, her ageless face sleeping. Two years back she fell into yet another coma, too much blood loss the doctors say.

Since then Gabriella was no more, disappearing into thin air. Hunter learned to forgive his father, bonding with his long lost family.

Willow however stayed. Sleeping.

He holds her hand softly brushing it with his. How Deimos would love it if she too would calm him down with gentle soothing words. "Willow, I love you." He repeated the words he'd say every single day he visited. The hospital was his second home, as his pack would joke around. He payed no mind to them, all he cared was for Willow.

He plants a soft kiss on his wrist, repeating his confession once more, "I love you, Willow. So wake up, wake up for me." He murmurs against her soft skin.

A jolt from her fingers caused Deimos to panic, phoning the doctor he says words of encouragement to wake Willow up once more from her slumber.

"Willow, baby." He called, rubbing her hand creating friction.

Willow felt the weight being lifted, she could hear every single word of Deimos and his confessions the day before, and the week before, as well as the year before. But today, she could hear him much clearer. Her eyes slowly lifted awake, and was revealed with a joyous Deimos. He smashed his lips against her dazed self.

He pulls away slowly, hearing the soft pads from the nurse.

"Stay. Stay with me, next to me, forever." He bluntly says, covering her hands with his.

Willow smiles gently, "I love you, too."

The End

"Live. Love. And breathe. For I made you, bred you, raised you and as your potential creator I tell you, live, love and breathe.

Because I cannot for you."

Deimos Where stories live. Discover now