Running to Arkansas

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It's been a couple of weeks since Klaus learned about his son. He hasn't told anyone else. Only he and Elijah know. I haven't seen Anna for a week, so I've had to run the book shop for her. In the weeks I've had told Klaus about Luke, I met the other werewolf the he had gotten pregnant.

She's a very beautiful girl. When she told me how she found out she was pregnant, I felt sorry not only for her, but the which who died performing the spell. Hayley's baby is due any day now. Klaus had told me that the witches of New Orleans are planning on stealing, and sacrificing the baby for some stupid ritual.

I told Klaus that I would help protect his daughter at any cost, and treat her like m own. I was currently heading to his house with our son so Luke could see him.


"Luke, I'm going to need you to stay quiet once we reach your father's house. There could possibly be someone there that we don't want to run into. Do you understand?"

"Yes, mama. Will uncle Elijah be there?"

I laughed.

"I do not know, my little bat. We shall see."

Once we reached Klaus's house, Luke reverted to using his gift to communicate. When we walked through the front door, I called out.

"Klaus? Elijah? Is anyone home?"

"What do you need, love?"

I looked up to see Klaus descending the staircase. I smiled, giving him a peck on the cheek when he reached the bottom step.

"Nothing much. Luke and I though that we would come an see you. And don't worry, I use my powers to warn me against any danger."

Luke smiled, and hugged Klaus when he picked him up. As the two talked, I caught Hayley's scent coming from upstairs.

"How's Haley doing?" I asked.

"As well as one can expect."

"Can I tell her about Luke?"

I looked a him, nervous of his reaction.

"If you must. I'd rather you not, bu it' better than her finding out after she gives birth."

I wrapped my arms around him, and gave him a kiss. I pulled back, with a smile on my face.

"Thank you, Klaus."

I pecked him on the cheek, before taking our son and going upstairs. I found Hayley in the nursery attached to her bedroom. I told Luke to wait outside, until I called for him. Hayley greeted me with a smile, before going back to writing in a book.

"What're you working on?" I asked.

"I'm writing a letter, for my daughter to read when she's older."

I smiled. Then I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms.

"I have something to tell you. If you're willing to listen."

"Okay. What is it?" She, putting her pen down.

"As you know, Klaus and I are mates. But, it goes beyond that. Shortly after I spent a night in New Orleans, Klaus and I had made love to each other before I had to leave for a family issue. When I returned, a witched by the name of Anna, had told me that I was pregnant. I was only one day along when she told me this.

However, due to the combined genetic structure from Klaus and I, it grew at three times the rate of a normal baby. He is only three and a half months old, though he looks like like a very big three ear old, or a small four year old. I thought that I should tell you, rather than you find out by accident. Luke, you can come in now."

Luke walked in, stopping in front of me.

"My name is Luke. What's yours?" He asked.


I was walking with Hayley down town, trying to find new clothes for Luke. When I noticed a few people watching us from various spots on the street. It wasn't the typical jealous stare either of us occasionly got earlier. It was the 'We're gonna get you' type of look.

"Hayley, stay close to me. I have a bad feeling."

She moved to my side, slightly grabbing the edge of my shirt. We continued to walk, turning down an empty street. As we turn the corner, I was hit on the back of the head. Everything went fuzzy, and I collapsed. I could hear Hayley screaming. I failed trying to get up and follow them. Then, I heard the most horrible thing in my life.


They had my son.


I managed to get to my feet, only to see that everyone was gone. I screamed, wanting my baby back. I collapsed on the street, vision going dark

I briefly heard a muffled, "Tauriel!" before my world went completely black.

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