(Chapter 16) Rumors?

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~Emma's POV~

It has been two weeks since Kid Danger saved me from the elevator, the word spread out in six days and I've been hearing rumors spread around the school saying that I kissed Kid Danger in the elevator shaft, secretly dating him, and I'm cheating on Mitch", but everybody realizes that I don't like him, but it's like they're forced to believe them, I didn't want to be known as the girl who's dating the biggest jerk in school, or else others will be scared of me, and my best friends would turn their backs on me, I asked almost every kid in my school, except for my best friends and the bad kids, I went up to Henry and said,"Have you heard the rumors spreading in school?", and he said,"Yeah, why would everyone believe that you did all those things?", and I said,"Henry, I need everyone including you at your house to talk about the rumors", and he said,"Even Sidney and Oliver?", and I said,"Yes", he groaned abit, and I said with my hands and feet feeling cold,"And Bianca", his face turned into a smile, then said,"Why not at your place?", and I said,"My aunt's having another date with your boss at 3:15, she doesn't want me to be home alone", he understood and carried on.

~After school, in the man-cave~
~Henry's POV~

I'm sitting on the couch going through my Twitter account while Ray is marking a few stuff on his calender, I didn't know what so I said,"Ray what are you doing?", and he said,"Well Henry I've been dating Becky for 2 week's now and I'm thinking of proposing to her after a month, maybe two or three", and I said,"Alright", as I checked to see what was new on Twitter, it was bad, the rumors about Emma, me, and Mitch where spreading all over the internet, I went on instagram to see what else was happening, and it was the same thing, people posted pictures of her killing herself, I went back on Twitter and saw people posting mean comments on her Twitter account. Some said:

1. Thanks alot for ruining my fanpage!

2. Get out of Swellview and die!!!

3. Stay away from Kid Danger, he's mine!!! Go back to your ex boyfriend!!! Girl!!!

I was asuming that would be Piper's comment, I stopped reading all the negativity and said,"Ray someone has been spreading rumors in school about Emma kissing me in the elevator, secretly dating me, and cheating on Mitch", then Ray said,"What!!?? Who would do that?", and I said,"I don't know but I think someone is getting back at Emma", but before Ray could say anything my phone rang, it was Piper, I picked it up and said,"What Piper?", then she started yelling in the phone saying,"Henry!!!! Little miss sunshine from next door is here!!!!!", I started running out of the man-cave while talking on the phone saying,"And why are you yelling?", and she said,"I don't like her!!! She kissed Kid Danger!!!! She stole him from me!!!!", and I said,"You do realize those where rumors right?", and she said,"So?", so I said,"So, sometimes rumors can be wrong, plus you and Kid Danger where never a thing", but she said,"I don't CARE!!!!!!", then the conversation ended.

~At home~

I came in and saw Piper yelling at Emma, poor Emma was crying Piper didn't even care about her feelings, then from the door, mom and dad came, mom said,"Piper what's going on?", then Piper said,"Nothing", she even gave Emma a death stare which meant not to get her in trouble, but I said,"I'll tell you what's going on, afew seconds before you two came through the door I saw Piper yelling at Emma to stay away from Kid Danger and die", then dad said,"Piper is this true?", then she said,"No", but mom looked at the tears on Emma's eye's and how red and puffy they looked,then I said,"She's lying, she's doing all these things because of the rumors she heard on the internet", I showed mom and dad the rumors on my phone and how all the fangirls posted mean comments on her Twitter and instagram, they saw Piper's comment, and mom said,"Piper! Just for that, you are grounded until all these rumors are confirmed not true, as for your punishment, no electronic devices, including TV, and you are not going anywhere else outside this house except for school", then Piper said,"THAT'S NOT OK!!!!!", mom and dad took Piper to her room to learn some manners, I hugged Emma very softly, she laid her head on my chest, and little tears formed in her eye's as she calmed down, the room, along with her felt cold out of nowhere, but I didn't care so long as I held on to her in my arms, I brought her a glass of water and she stopped crying.

A Frozen love story (A Henry Danger fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now