(Chapter 34) Coronation day

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~Henry's POV~

It has been 2 week's, and I still wish that Emma would come out of her room and hang out with us, everyone was asking her to come, and I kept asking her the most

I try calling her, texting her, and e-mailing her, I come to her house but no answer, her aunt doesn't tell me what's going on, I even leave notes on her window, and knock on it before leaving

The next day, I see that she hasn't picked up one note, but the only time I get to see her is at school, which is not enough, I ask Merle and Debby about what is going on, but they don't know either, all what they told me was that she has been avoiding them too

All what she does now is just sit by herself at lunch, and in the back row in class, she doesn't talk, do much, just sit's quietly with her mouth zipped up tight

Even when I'm Kid Danger and knock on her window she doesn't answer

~Afew Days Later~

I was beginning to worry about her, but then I relized that it's coronation day, which means I get to talk to her after a while, but I'm only visiting her as a friend

I take a warm bath, I put on my black vans, my bage pants, a blue and white plad shirt along with a black jacket

I was driving with my parent's and sister to the new church which was built next to the castle which opened afew days ago

A lot of royal people were attending the church for Emma's coronation, including family and friends

When I got out I decided to look around, and while I was doing that, someone bumped into me

I fell, and looked up to see who it was

"Oh no", I whispered to myself

"I'm so sorry, are you hurt?", she said

"No", I said

She let her hand out for me so I can get up, then I shaked it

"I'm Veronica", she said

"Henry, Henry Hart", I said while pretending not to know her

"The Henry Hart? The one Emma always talks about?", she said

"Uh, yeah", I said, I pretended to know that she talks about me all the time

"She always talked about you in city hall", she said

"Really?", I said

"Yeah", she said

I swore several months ago that I would never see Veronica again, but I remembered that it only applies to Kid Danger, not me

"Think before you swear Henry, think before you swear", I said in my head

We talked and laughed a little, but I heard the belle's

"The belle's, the coronation, I gotta run", I said

"Ok, see you at the party?", she said

"Yeah", I said

I blushed a little after I left, maybe as Henry Hart, Veronica could get a second chance

~In the Church~

I sat next to my parents and sister, I saw Veronica on the other side in one of the rows in the back, she waved at me, and I waved back

Then, I saw the doors of the church, of the Church open, I saw Emma she was wearing a long red dress, with black shoes that had some designs on it, and her hair looking like ( Media above)

And as always, she wore gloves, I always thought, what was up with her wearing gloves a lot besides in school

~Emma's POV~

I walked in, I saw Henry in the front row, I felt nervous cause the guy who I always liked is here, but before the all looked at me, I caught Henry staring at Veronica, my hands and feet started feeling cold

I haven't felt jealous in so long, ever since Bianca left Swellview

After that I thought to myself that there is no way that Veronica is gonna steal another guy from me, she took someone away from me, and I'm not gonna let her do it again

But then I realized, am I being selfish? Then I remembered what aunt Becky told me a year ago after Kid Danger saved me from the elevator

"You can't date someone you just met"

I made it to the priest, I put my head down for him to place the crown on my head

"Do you, Emilia Penelope Goodman swear to govern the people with justice and mercy?", he said

"I swear", I said

"Then it is my honor to crown you as our queen", he said

The last thing to do was to hold a staff, and  golden ball (Sorry but I don't know what it's called)

Then the priest whispered to me

"Your majesty, the gloves"

I became scared all of a sudden, while shivers ran down my spine, I took them off slowly, I held on to the staff and ball, then faced everyone

The priest said a few words in a language from the bible, I saw frost on what I was holding

When he was done, I quickly but them back on the pillow, and put my gloves back on

"Queen Emma! Of Swellview!", everyone cheered

After the room was cleared everyone went to the party, I sat in my throne, then Henry came up to me

"Hi", I said

"Hey", he said

"So, queen now, huh?", he added

"Yep, a lot of responsibility now", I said

"Will you have time for us?", he said

"Yes, but I can't", I said

"Why?", he said

"It just can't", I said

"Excuse me for a minute", he said

A Frozen love story (A Henry Danger fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now