(Chapter 43) Surviving

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~Emma's POV~

I kept looking out the window in fear, and looked back inside to see that the whole place is covered in frost, and icicles

Soon I heard voices

"Careful, she's dangerous", said a man

I used all my strength to get out of the chains, blasted a big hole through the wall, then escaped

~Henry's POV~

I was lying on the cold hard ground, and looked at the hand mirror seeing all my hair has turned white, then my eyes turned blue

Soon I heard the door opening, ot sounded like someone was picking on the lock

"Help", I whispered

When the door opened, I saw a carrot on the lock, then Olaf came in, and re-attached his nose

"Gasp", he said surprisingly

"Kid Danger", he said

He collected a lot of wood and put it in the fireplace, he accidentally put his arm, which is a stick, in it, but quickly saw it and re-attached it

When he lit a match, he was suprised about what he saw

"Olaf, get away from there", I said

"So this is heat, I love it. Ahhh but don't touch it", he said

He got a blanket and put it around me

"So, tell me, is your real name Henry? Or Kid Danger? And is Captain Man that big guys real name? Or is Ray his real name?", he said

"I'm Kid Danger, but my real name is Henry, and Captain Man's real name is Ray", I said, then I winced in pain

"Henry where's Veronica and what happened to your kiss?", I said

"I was wrong about her, Olaf you can't stay here, you'll melt", I said

"I am not leaving until we find some other act of true love to save you, any ideas?", he said

"My feelings are mixed up at the moment", I said

"What about that potion that might save you?", he said

"Maybe", I said

"Well, how about when Emma tried telling you to leave her in order to save you, that sounds like she loves you", he said

"Wait...Emma loves me?", I said

"WOW you really don't know anything about love, do you?", he said

I've forgotten that when she told Kid Danger that she loved Henry Hart, I forgot that she loved me

I've been so caught up with my job, my girlfriend(s), my life, I didn't get a chance to look deep inside Emma's heart

"Olaf, your melting", I said

"Some people are worth melting for", he said

I smiled

He melted a little bit and said

"Maybe just not right this second"

Soon the windows opened, Olaf went over to close them, soon he saw something

"Wait hold on a second I'm getting something", he said while pulling a huge icicle and cutting the small sharp part off

"Gasp' It's Captain Man, he has the love potion, he's chewing something, and he's on his way, and now he's not wearing his mask", he said

"Olaf I need to get to him, he has the cure to save me", I said

"Your my friend Henry, and I'll come with you, lets go to RAY!!", he said joyfully

Soon we saw ice coming inside the room, we quickly ran down the hall, and both sides were covered with icicles

"Oh no, where trapped", said Olaf

I didn't know what to do

~Emma's POV~

I made a really harsh blizzard, I didn't know where I was going, all I hope to where I'm going is somewhere far away from Swellview

But when I realized that I froze Henry, and all this is my fault, I realized that I'm running away from someone that I love, someone that is about to die because of me

I realized that I shouldn't be running away, I started hedding back to the castle to see if he's ok, if not, then I should be the one to save him

~Henry's POV~

Me and Olaf went through the window, and we slid on the snow in order to land safely on the ground

When we got out of the castle doors, I needed to get to Ray, he has the cure that can save me

Soon I started walking on ice, I then realized that I was on the Jandi river

"KEEP GOING!!!", Olaf said flying away in the rough wind

"RAAAAY!!!!", I yelled

And as I was walking on the river I held onto the blanket around me, soon I saw my hands turn into ice, but I was still able to bend my fingers

I kept walking and walking, and didn't stop, soon my feet turned into ice, even though I was still able to move I didn't stop

"Ray", I whispered

"Henry!!", I heard a voice call out my name, it was Ray's voice

We tried finding eachother, but the blizzard was so big we still couldn't find eachother

A Frozen love story (A Henry Danger fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now