(Chapter 30) New Villain

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~Emma's POV~

Third week, so far me, Merle, Debby, and The Widows were still standing along with the some of the other competitors, and this week is fashion week, Scarlett told me to wear a blue short dress with blue high heels, light makeup, a blue purse on my shoulder, and put up a small bun on top of my hair while the rest of it stayed loose

I had to say, it is a killer after walking in heels for a while, anyway I come to Swellview city hall, I take my seat and see Merle and Debby

Debby wore a light blue small dress with gold heels, she put her hair up in a bun, and Debby wore the same thing, exept it was a little bit longer, it was purple, and she just braided her hair

"Wow, you guy's look great", I said

"So do you", said Debby

"You look like you could already win this thing", said Merle

Then Merle's phone rang, it sounded like she got a text

"Guy's, there have been rumors spreading around Swellview saying that the Black Lucy is apart of this competition", said Merle

"Oh no, that can't be good", said Debby

"Who's the Black Lucy?", I said

"You've heard of Lucinda from the book "Ella Enchanted", right?", said Merle

"Yes?", I said

"Well, the Black Lucy is an evil fairy like Malefacent, and has dark magic", said Merle

"She has been going around making people's lives miserable by using her dark magic and playing tricks on them, and like Lucinda, always gives people gifts and they always end up bad", said Debby

"How do you guy's know about this?", I said

"Well, most superhero's have power's right? Like for example Thunderman can fly and is the strongest man on earth, along with Electris using her electric power's?", said Merle

"Yeah I've heard of those superhero's", I said

"It's on this website about Superheroes and Villains, it gives out the good stuff", said Merle showing me her phone

"I see, but who do you think could be the Black Lucy?", I said

"Well, it could obviously be one of The Widows", said Debby

"Well, true, but maybe one of them could be blending in with the group, and with one dirty trick, their fingerprints would've been found and they'd get caught, but with magic, no way", said Merle

While we were still cracking the case open, Mr. Brown tapped his glass to get everyone's attention, which meant that we had to stand on the runway, facing the judges

One by one they came walking up close to us, I didn't even say one word, after afew minutes, we all took our seats

When I came to my seat I saw some sort of magic that looked just like mine, exept it was black

"Debby, do you see that?", I said

"See what?", said Debby

"Merle, do you see that?", I said

"Heck yeah, let's follow it", said Merle

We followed the black magic down the hallway, then we came to a dead end, but the black magic went through the wall

"What do we do?", I said

"I got the footage on my phone, so let's show it to them", said Merle

We took a look at it, but saw that it wasn't there

"What happened? ", said Merle

"What are you doing here?", said one of the judge's

"Pardon me sir but I was just helping my friend Emma here find the restroom", said Merle

"Alright you too", said the judge leaving

We went to the restroom to talk about what we saw

"What do you think that darkness was?", said Merle

"I don't know? Do you think it was the Black Lucy?", I said

"Maybe, there is nobody else in this town who can do magic like her", said Merle

I felt my power's wanting to spice thing's up a little

"Well I gotta head back, you comin?", said Merle

"In a little bit, I've gotta use the restroom", I said crossing my fingers behind my back

"Ok", said Merle leaving

After she left I locked the door, came back to the sink and took a paper towel out, I used it to turn the tap on, then I took off my glove, I didn't know why but I felt bad after keeping this secret for a year

Slowly I try touching the water so I can turn it into ice, but I was stopped when I heard a knock on the door

"Emma are you Ok?", said Debby

"I'm fine", I said

"Well ya might want to hurry, cause since this is Friday, it's when we are told who is going to be eliminated", she added

"Alright, I'll be their in a minute", I said

I then realized of what I was doing, I then reached for my glove, put it back on, then left the bathroom

When I came back I saw Debby and Merle

"Well it's a good thing you're back, the judge's are just about to give us our envelopes", said Merle

"Keep your fingers crossed girl's, hopefully they do not say that we are eliminated", said Debby

One by one the judges came, they came to every table, at the end, most of the girl's had upsetting looks on their faces

"I am so sorry for those did not make it to the next round, but you did your best, and that's all that matters", said the main judge

So far, 13,229 competitors have been eliminated, only 26,458 more to go, so, only 2 more weeks and it's over

Although our letter said that we have two week's off since we have been doing well

So I think I'll have a good time

Hey guy's so I'm still thinking of mors ideas for my book, so while I'm at that please read my other books, and if you want please vote, comment, follow

And I'm thinking of making a sequel to this book somewhere in the future, till then, stay tunned

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