(Chapter 25) Avenging the broken heart part 1

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~Emma's POV~

I sit on the floor against the corner, I started sheding tears as they turned to snowflakes, I fill the room with snow till it came to the temperature were you can catch a frostbite

I thought to myself, why did he choose me, then later dump me for some graffiti girl who breaks the law

Till that point I now wanted him to be punished for what he did to me, I had to find Captain Man and tell him where he's meeting that girl

I put on an over-sized red sweater, white sneakers, and I climb out of my window, I go around Swellview trying to find him

When I get to Swellview park I found him getting a soda and taking afew pics with a few fans

"Captain Man," I whispered in order for me to get his attention

He saw me behind a food court, so he told the citizens to excuse him for a while

"Yes young lady?," he said

"You know your sidekick? Kid Danger? ," I said

"Yeah? What about him?", he said

"Well, earlier today I saw him trying to catch one of the Walldogs, and you know that Walldog girl who kissed him?", I said

"Yes?", he said

"Well, Kid Danger is meeting her tomorrow night, midnight, right under the Swellview sign, she even told him to come alone", I said

"Thanks for the information", he said

But before he left, I had to tell him afew more details

"Wait", I said

"Yes?", he said

"When you see him, and if he asks you how you found out, please don't tell him that I told you were you could find him", I said

"I won't, I promise", he said

"Good", I said

I went back home and I wanted to see how it will all go down tomorrow at midnight, so I had to sneak out of the house.

~Ray's POV~

I can't believe that my niece has evidence against my sidekick, she's always being so secretive, but the thing is, I already knew about Henry meeting that girl under the Swellview sign since he already told me, so she doesn't have to worry about a thing

But I need to know why she would tell on him

Plus I decided not to call him over, or else I might put my niece in trouble, so I decided that I should follow him some time

~The next day~
~Emma's POV~

I ran to the Swellview sign as fast as I could before I'd end up seeing either the girl or Kid Danger, though I never saw what the girl looks like I decided to see them at an angle where I don't have to see her face, cause if I do, I'd be jelly.

I hid in a bush then saw Kid Danger climbing on a rock and made it up, he called the Walldog girl,  then she did a front wheel as she approached

(Honestly I don't know what that move is called)

Good thing I didn't see her face, before she kissed him, he paused her for a second

"Wait, I don't even know your name yet", He said

"It's Veronica", she said

They kissed, I felt anger boiling in my head, and she was about to spray the Swellview sign

"Wai, you can't spray the sign, it's the property of our town", said Kid Danger

She told him about the stuff she didn't wanted to buy but forced to look at, then he said they should just kiss again

As they did, I got angry by the minute, then I started hearing noises, it was a police helicopter,  thank God that they're going to take her to jail

"A police helicopter!? You called the cops on me!?", said Veronica

"No! I did", said a man appearing out of the bushes

"Captain Man?", said Kid Danger

"You said you came alone!?", said Veronica in anger

"I thought I did? How did you find me here?", he said

I hope that he won't tell on me, I kept my fingers crossed, and closed my eyes

"I followed you, and I hid in those bushes and watched you two kiss", he replied, thank God, yet it was weird of me and him watching something a little bit inappropriate

"You shouldn't have come here", he said

"And you shouldn't have lied to me! One of us has to protect the city from trash like her ", he said

"She is not trash, and  you're not taking her anywhere old man!", he yelled

Oh No he didn't
Oh snap

"How dare you, you know I'm sensitive about my age, by the way I'm only 34", said Captain Man, and to Veronica

He was going to take her to jail, till Kid Danger and Veronica fought Captain Man

Then they pushed Captain Man down a mountain, I saw such terrible things, but all that meant one thing

He turned bad

When they ran off, I had to follow them, cause my heart is not avenged


A Frozen love story (A Henry Danger fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now