Chapter Two

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You opened your door to your flat when your phone buzzed:
Hello (y/n). You left your scarf at ours. I'll come and drop it off. Where do you live?

I live at 187 North Gower Street (high five if you know why I chose that address) thank you.
You entered the flat, carefully picking a way around the paperwork strewn across the floor, when you heard a sound behind you. Your hand immediately moved to the pocket where you kept your gun (the police force had given it to you for protection).

You swivelled round and there, standing right before you, was a tall figure whose face was hidden by a mask holding a machete.

The figure swung the knife at you. You ducked quickly out the way as the knife travelled above your head. The knife kept travelling at speed, the attacker hadn't expected you to move, and at such force that it caught their main artery in their neck. Blood seeped down the neck of the attacker as they fell to the ground unconscious.

You knelt down next to the body, trying to put pressure on the wound to stop it bleeding. You tried to find their pulse. It was very weak and they was still bleeding heavily.


You pushed a hair out your face smearing blood all over it. You checked their pulse again but you couldn't feel it no matter how much you tried. You checked their breathing. They weren't.





You suddenly remembered that Dan was coming over. Where would you hide a dead body?


Your wardrobe!


That'll have to do.

You picked the corpse up bridal style and placed it in your wardrobe. At that point the doorbell rang and you closed the doors. "Coming!" You yelled, kicking the machete under your sofa as you made your way to the door.

"Hello Dan. Why don't you come in?" You said moving out his way to let him through.
He took one look at you and exclaimed, "Jesus Christ (y/n)! What happened? Are you alright?"
Suddenly you realised that you must have been covered in blood.
"Oh I'm fine I was......painting?" You said smiling.
"Yes, a picture which had a lot of blood in it. The paint looks quite realistic don't you think?"
"But you haven't taken your coat off yet."
"My coat helps me think..." You said, ushering Dan through the door making sure to cover the pool of blood with paper as you followed him.
"I'll go and clean myself up. Tea?" You offered as he sat down. He shook his head.

You removed the blood off of you and came back to the living room.
"Where should I put this?" Dan asked picking up your scarf.
"Oh, could you just put it in my wardrobe for me," you replied.
He looked at you unsure.
"It's fine it's not like I'm hiding a dead body in there," you joked.
He got up and went towards your bedroom.

Then it dawned on you.

Oh shoot!

You sprang up and ran after Dan. When you got to him you grabbed his wrist. He turned around in surprise.

His pupils dilated.

You felt his pulse rise.

You smiled to yourself. "Sorry, I forgot that that was meant to go in the living room," you apologised.
He looked at you questioningly.
You smiled.

"Tea?" You offered again.
He shook his head, "I'd better go back now or Phil will wonder where I am."
You let him out yelling many thank yous.

Now the body in the wardrobe. You thought it was better to tell your boss then call the emergency services, he'd know what to do anyway.

You took phone out and dialled his number, smiling to yourself knowing you had an admirer...
"Oh, hello sir. Well I don't know how to put this but basically I was attacked and now there's a body in my wardrobe..."

Thank you all for reading! I'm sorry if you don't like blood too much. I probably should have put a warning at the start do the chapter...

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